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Why doesn't jamini give karaka for guru

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Like he gives ministers siblings and all other randoms but no special karaka for a guru why do u think that is?

5 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

because Jaimini does not believe in Gurus. Jaimini knows that everything in a Guru. That's one of the reasons he wrote his book in code that no on understands because not knowing what he says, we can't say we learned directly from him. When we understand a sutra from Jaimini its not becasue we learned it from Jaimini, it's because we learned it from EVERYTHING. Its the same reason he does not give a natural karaka for the self like most book. he does not say, Sun is self. Its becasue EVERYTHING is self. 

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I believe Amatyakaraka alone fulfills this role. Makes sense if you consider the minister as also being the teacher for the king, take for example the relationship between Chanakya and Chandragupta.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, good point. The Amatyakaraka is the person we keep close to guide us and support us. 

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(@Anonymous 29753)
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Posts: 46

@ernst Thank you for this discussion. How do we distinguish between a guide and a guru?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

There is no difference. Guru simply means heavy. IN respect to people it refers to Heavier in Knowledge specifically. When the elevator guy came to my tower a few weeks ago he was 20 years old and he was my elevator tech guru and I learned a lot about how to keep my elevator working from him because he was heavier in knowledge about elevator repair than I was. 

So he is my ELEVATOR guru.

were we to talk about astrology, I probably would have been his ASTROLOGY guru. 

If we talked about spirituality, the more spiritual developed would have been the SPIRITUAL GURU

and if the elevator kid was enlightened and one with God and we started to discuss that, he could have been my SAT guru, which means heavy in the truth of god, which comes from realization. 
