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Career from the Svamsa and aspects

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Posts: 21
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hi @Ernst and everybody,


I have a doubt about Jaimini sutras when describing the aspects of planets to a Svamsa holding Ketu. Some sutras describe that when there is a planet or other aspecting the Svamsa certain results are produced. The thing is, other sutras talk about the same planet and give different results later on. So I am not clear about which results are to be followed.

For example, with Venus, it is said (1.2.34) "Venus in aspect – a spiritual initiate." and later on: 1.2.36. "Mercury or Venus in aspect – repeating again and again or a child of a female slave/wretch/harlot."

It also happens with Saturn: 1.2.35. "Mercury or Saturn in aspect – without energy/ virility"; 1.2.37. "Saturn in aspect – an ascetic or servant."

And the same could be said about the two aforementioned sutras on Mercury.


My question is, in this case, how to know which sutra should be followed? I mean, if Venus is aspecting the Svamsa where Ketu is, how do I know if it will make the person a spiritual initiate or it will make them someone "repeating again and again or a child of a female slave/wretch/harlot"? Or even, how to know if both indications might be the case? The same goes for the examples of Mercury and Saturn.

1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

WIth these jaimini svamsa results we have to always look for house confirmation to determine the extent of effects. its tricky to know what houses we need to look at for confirmation sometimes. I show how to do this for a lot of sutras in the course. particularly I focused on that in respect to career. So in respect to these sutras, it could be both things, 1 thing, or if no house confirmation, no things. so for the venus to be a spiritual initiate, we need ketu to also be related to 12th house somehow.  
