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Features request and one old bug report in 2018

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I have been using Kala to test many things and I wanted to have a 10 year step  in the tools>change birth time. 

I know you can edit the birth time directly but it gets annoying when one is testing multiples things or just watching the planet moves in transit over long period of times. I would even dare say if you can add a 100 year step that would be great too. And if you can add that in the Tools->Astrological time also that would be great and in the Transit screen. Currently we can only move forward or Backward by one Varshaphala, if we could move by 10 Varsha that would be great, so the Sun is always at the same degree but 10 years forward. 

Another request I have, a big Surya Lagna screen or Any Lagna you want you use. 

Currently I can do that with the Yoga Judgement Screen but it doesn't work if the person isn't born close to the equator. I would want in the main screen the ability to display any Lagna I want arbitrary, regardless of his birthtime. 

For example in Ernst Chart he is Virgo Lagna, Let's say I want to pretend his Lagna is Aries for research or just to see another point of view I can't do that right now. Or if I want to use Surya Lagna or Chandra Lagna it would be easier if I could swap the lagna directly. 

Right now this feature would be particularly useful with the North Indian chart, and less with the South Indian Chart. But still with the south Indian chart personally I would still find it useful, it's like my brain get distracted each time that I'm reading from another Lagna, and each time I read a chart I forget over long hours reading that I was reading that chart from another Lagna so I end wasting time. So each time I end up reading from the original Lagna instead of the one I wanted. 

Either that or I would want to remove the lagna mark entirely so I don't get side-tracked, this is for the south Indian chart only though.

Another feature would be interesting for teaching. So let's say I want to care only for the Sun and Moon in Transit, if one could display only the Sun and Moon, you know just like the F8 shortcut but we can choose which planet to hide. I think this would be useful when you are teaching your class in the software.

Also if one could swap the Rasi symbol for numbers, in the south Indian chart I think it's possible but not in the North Indian chart. But even in the South Indian chart it's possible but then the planet symbols aren't there anymore. I would want the planets in Symbols and the Sign as numbers, in both charts, or the numbers for the Rasi and the Rasi symbols at the same time, with a priority on the numbers. I think this would be closer to what you teach also. 

Last one is the Nakshatra Screen, I don't know if it's possible or not already but I would want to watch the Nakshatra Screen in transits, currently the screen change position each time the moon transit into a new nakshatra. Making it almost impossible to use with transits (when you edit the birth time). I would want mainly the ability to choose the starting point, just like the Lagna, Kritika as a starting point would be great. 

I also wanted to report a bug, I think it was in the 2018 version, it's resolved now but just in case someone didn't noticed it. In the 2018, I think it was in that version I'm not sure as I updated it, but in that version in the main screen the Nakshatra was off by one Nakshatra, but only sometimes it was off, not in every chart there was a mistake. The main screen D1 Nakshatra was sometimes showing one nakshatra incorrectly and it was displaying the right one in the planetary information. So the software was displaying the wrong nakshatra in the D1 but correctly in any other part of the software, I checked multiples time and each time it was contradictory. I was using Windows 10 so maybe there was a bug somewhere. But I would be a cautious if you are using an older version of Kala and using the Nakshatra in the Main screen. 

here an example of that bug here, you can see Mercury is in "Dha" according to the D1 but in the information table it's in Shravana:


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Also if you could add a transit screen specifically made for South Indian chart. Just like you showed in the Vimshottari Snapshot course. The south Indian chart is interesting because you can display another chart inside it, it would be great to have a screen that use this constantly and is made for that. And it would be usable not just for transit but to compare a Varga to another, but currently in the main screen the inside chart disappear and is not constant, if you could make that constant it would be great. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3498
Joined: 12 years ago

Good ideas lorris, will take th em into consideration as we build the next version of kala and subsequent. the main focus of the next version is a complete rebuild of kala to a modern infrastructure that will allow us to make phone and mac version as well. The new infrastructure requires some things to be done differently as some things that could be done on the old infrastructure can't be done anymore and there are new things that could not be done before, so the next kala will be somewhat different. 
