Hi Ernst;
I´m looking for transits to a certain cusp (bhava chalita). It´s a fast moving planet, so all I want to see is the retrograde/direct transits to exactly that cusp.
But the only result I get is or the re/di transits to ALL the cusps, or ALL the transits to that cusp, but with no differentiation between normal transits and re/di transits.
I attach screenshots of the two settings. Neither of them give the desired result. My mistake or a bug?
I mean, it´s still possible to look through the list of transits to all the cusps, but there is 12 times more information than wished for.
What you have to do is search the transit you want to that planet and then include the retro direct otpion. THen when you see a transit, look before it on the time line to see if the transiting planet was retro or direct before it transited.
OK... My question was about the cusps though. Since the search function allows you to choose just one cusp, it´s strange that all 12 cusps show up in the list. Not a big deal, but you have to throw away a lot of information that should be filtered out from the beginning, to make it easier. I think.
You can search individual cusps, just click on the sole one that you want to use.
I doesn´t work with the retrograde/direct option it seems.
The program doesn´t understand it as an AND-commando it seems, but rather and OR-commando, so it shows the transits to the cusp AND the retrograde/direct movements in all the houses.
What we want is retrograde/direct-hits to that specific cusp.