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chesta bala of the moon and venus

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hi there friends,Ernst,

i am trying to fine my understanding about the expression of the relationship chesta bala of the moon and venus.(within the shad bala course)

how does,a person with an under requirement moon chesta bala, (less confidence with who one is) express itself while having a high chesta bala venus (confidence in ones self worth) and visa versa when under requirement chesta venus(less confidence in one self worth) but sufficient chesta bala moon(confidence in who one is).

i feel a contradiction in the coexistence of having confidence with who you are but yet low confidence in your self worth or alternatively having confidence with one's self worth but low confidence in who they are. i know there is a fine line here but i would have loved and appreciated  a little elaboration on that point or maybe examples of how it expresses .

thank you  

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Amit Bhat
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Moon is knowing something intuitively while Venus is about making an evaluation.

So less chesta on Moon means they have less confidence in what they feel is right and less chesta on Venus is they have less confidence about the evaluation they have done. 

But both work in a team for this purpose, so at least one of them needs to have good chesta to feel confident about the decision they make.

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hi Amit, understanding each one of them separately is not my vague, it is, when one of them is sufficient in score, while the other is not which creates a conflict for me in in it coexistence in some way, as when a person has confidence in what they know to be right intuitively, how at the same time their confidence in evaluating it as right would be less? or to say it differently if one has confidence in knowing something to be right they first have to be confident that the evaluation process they were doing was correct ,no? knowing something intuitively with confidence comes from the confidence we have in our self to be able to evaluate properly. or at least that is how i think, the psyche to be working.

maybe i overthink it , but it is a fine line that has an expression which is hard for me to grasp , how one can go without the other.i will appreciate maybe an example that illustrate it 

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Amit Bhat
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Life is a conflict itself in general and everything won't be available to us to feel completely fine. So higher the chesta of planets, means higher the total confidence person will have. 

So, say a girl has to make a choice of a guy to be his husband and she has 3 options, she won't pick up the best one, she will pick up the one she deserves even if he is the worst out of three.  Say another girl with better moon, Venus and Jupiter has same same 3 guys, she will be able to pick up a better guy.

And this is what they are designed to have in order to move to the next level.

So, if moon is good but say Venus is bad, the person is fortunate to feel right but not fortunate to do proper evaluation in which case there can be a conflict but if intuition is really strong, evaluation is not of much importance. Similarly if Venus is too good, then less than ideal moon not that a problem because in some way person knows the truth deeply.

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@amit made me laugh with this example but thank you,  

i guess it is hard to find an example that judge the confidence quality solely and define the exact behavior of a person with regards to those complementing planets as when we judge something through a story there are so many other things that are needed to be taken into account (like the rest of the balas of each planet) and be considered as part of the result of a certain scenario. 

thank you for your answers

Amit Bhat
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Imagine love at first sight between a couple... where they have an opportunity to evaluate anything. It's all deep intuition at play...

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@amit or maybe just the confidence in their intuitive ability ????

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@sharonsegall Yep, can agree with that...after many poor decisions made, I had to train myself to trust in my intuitive ability because it was always on point.  Very high chesta moon, very low chesta venus person.

Amit Bhat
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I think maata Sita would have ideal moon like Sri Ram would have ideal Sun..

No evaluations needed in their case, they perfectly know they are Vishnu and Laxmi in human form

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Some of my thoughts on this. In the Shad Bala course Ernst grouped the planets such as Sun Jupiter and Mercury as one group. Then we have Venus and Moon (female planets). Then Saturn and Mars as the 3rd group. Within each group we should have one to two strong planet (s) to make up for the weak one. You can have a strong Moon and a weak Venus or vice versa. The strong one will compensate for the weak one

A strong Moon means to me someone who knows intuitively something is right, something feels good. They might be in a bad relationship but they know they can do better and get out of that bad relationship. The good Moon gives them that positive energy and outlook in life, and that moves them toward better days. But having a good Moon, the person could still make a bad decision. They are not necessarily mutually inclusive. To me a good Venus helps us make changes by analyzing, appraising and evaluating the options that we have and chose the best option available to us, a decision that is worthwhile to make...

People with a good Moon and a bad Venus know intuitively what feel good for them yet they when it comes time to make the final decision, they still make a bad decision. But because they have a good Moon, they know the decision they made is just temporary and that they could be in a better situation. That positive thinking drives them toward making a better decision the next round. The good Moon can feel what is naturally good to him. He has the ability to envision the better outcome and work toward in achieving it. 

A person with a good Venus but a bad Moon could make good decision even though the Moon is feeling the negative energy. Venus has the ability to appraise, to evaluate and make a decision that is a win win for everyone involved. It compensates for the bad Moon. Both are female planets so there is an element of feeling and intuition here.

It would be great to have a good Moon and a good Venus, but life is not that way. As long as we have one strong one, hopefully it will help guide the weaker one along our life path...



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@tuyetv, thank you for the time you took to put this conclusive answer together, it made it much clearer for me .

changing "bala" subject, would you be able maybe to explain why when calculating drig bala only aspects are being taken into account but not conjunctions, isnt a conjunction to a planet has a lot to say about the circumstances that certain planet might go through? 

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@sharonsegall  that is an interesting question. Parashara said to use aspect values in doing this Drig calculation. Perhaps Ernst could chime in answering this....



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@tuyetv I can testify to this as my Moon's chesta is off the charts, so high, and my venus chesta is 2.7.  This is so uncanny because when I make decisions, I always go with my first impression about something.  I have learned that the hard way because before I did learned to do that, I would be talked out of doing what I wanted to do by others (would attribute that to low Venus) and I would allow other's negative talk to become my own negative self talk (would attribute that to low Sun).  My sun, mercury, and Jupiter chesta are in the dumps, pretty close to the Venus score, but Mars and Saturn are decent.  So, my mentality is usually that I'll persevere through something with discipline and willpower.  I can get through anything is usually what I think.  I definitely had many choices when I was in the age of dating and getting married and I chose a man with very Moon, Mars and Saturnine qualities.  He was in the military, then became a police officer....had many life and death situations, harmful things happen to him, has seen so much misery, and yet he's always been very compassionate underneath his tough and cold exterior.  He's a shaman too, very psychic.

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Oh yes, and I also thought it was funny that right after I wrote that, the song "Hold On' by Adele came on...goes with high Moon, Mars and Saturn chesta bala very well.  🙂

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@valen thank you for sharing your personal story, i guess that is what gives a real flavor to a philosophical discussion, i really appreciate it ❤️
