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Conjunction vs shared lord

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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The reason I am not using same lord conjunction in this course.... that will have to remain a mystery for some time until I teach some more things on the Rasis. 

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@ernst That´s one cliffhanger!



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@meyes Just wanted to chime in and say that I had the same question as you, Mattias, after seeing how the avashtas are read differently in COT.

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@ernst While waiting for further instructions... Do you have any rule of thumb regarding the effects when it´s a shared lord´s indication. Like does it give half the effect, 2/3 or...?

I just studied a card of a woman who doesn´t seem to have any afflictions at all, almost. But her emotional life has been tough. Her planets are in seven houses. Only when you start to look at her lajj. avasthas and shadbala you start to see the problems. (Haven´t studied the vargas yet.) But in the cards you see another picture, through sharing cards her Rahu gets associated with her 4th cusp. So share lords really seems to be an important thing to have in mind, but again: to what agree should we consider the effect, give and take?


Ernst Wilhelm
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Its hard to say if there is a ratio of effects. EVeryone reveals their avasthas to such differetn degrees, so I think its best to just recognize its there and not stress to much about qualifying it. In the end, there is the good avastha and the bad avastha, we just n eed to see which ones a person follows mostly and its always best to just observe and see than it is to make judgments and tell the client what to observe so they can decide. In the end, its like a car, pros and cons and each person needs to observe those and see if the car or relationship will work for them with its pros and cons. 

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If Venus or Mercury is in bad dignity or debilitated in a chart, does that make Jupiter's starvation more harmful when it is starved by being in a rashi ruled by Venus or Mercury in that chart?

I would think that the frustration of not being able to meet the necessary materialistic and social needs of Ve. and Me. would cause one to neglect the higher Jupiterian qualities even more. He would be always be preoccupied at a rajastic level.



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I forgot that this is a cards thread.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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In the end of the lajjiataadi avasthas master course I talk about how to quantify the avastha. In that, if the lord has bad ucca bala, dig bala, chestha bala or Subha, then the starvation, etc, will be more severe, so  yes, the strength of the lord will have a huge impact. 

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