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Does a planet cause harm to itself through bad avasthas to it´s lord?

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So let´s say Moon is in Libra. Let´s say the Moon starves Venus. Does the Moon get hurt through the starvation it causes to it´s own Lord?

I´m sure this has been commented and that Ernst talks about it but I don´t remember; please remind me.


5 Replies
Amit Bhat
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Psychologically moon hurts Venus as it focuses on it because moon gets intoxicated with unhealthy passion or addiction. Indirectly moon hurts itself too because it's focusing on wrong energy and causing itself suffering 

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I personally would refer to the LA masters course - Moon starving Venus. Essentially Moon is looking for happiness and fulfillment of its needs in the "wrong" places when aspecting Venus: the person expects other people/relationships to fulfill his/her deeper needs. Rather than looking to the self planets: Sun, Mars, Jupiter. My main takeaway from that video was the double whammy of 1) the person feeling responsible to make others happy 2) the person expects others to make them happy, and ultimately gets disappointed through unrealistic expectations. 
But I guess you are asking more about a general rule - I don't believe there is one, at least not that I know of. It would very much depend on the specific planets/planetary relationships I reckon. 

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@nkan Yeah, thank you; yes I just threw out an example, what I was wondering was the "reflection" effect, a planet harming a planet that then harms it back, due to the same harm done to it.

But for sure...  I have a similar thing going on with Moon/Mercury, not more than 41 varupas /bad enough! / but since it´s on the Moon - the fhabitual way of being - it´s much deeper rooted and does more harm than other avasthas, I believe. That should be taken into account, I´m not sure whether Ernst expresses it clearly enough, that any avasthas related to the Moon and/or the first year are worse than other avasthas.

Mo afflicting Mercury: STRONG ideas about how the world should be and serve us... Not a very nice avasthas, it honestly makes us judgmental and arrogant. A kid that doesn´t want to finish his porridge. If the kid is a grown up adult it´s certainly not any nicer...


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I´m pretty sure I remember that it does not harm the ruling planet but just it´s expression trough the sign the harming planet is in so in moon in libras case you might not make as good choices but it does not harm venus itself or your wife or verility for example. But I might be wrong.

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@loris Hm, one thing is rulership, another is the LA. I think you mix them up in that reasoning.

