Shaming in the 5th,...
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Shaming in the 5th, good for...

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I touched on this in a previous thread, but I think it´s worthy of a post of it´s own.

Shaming in the 5th. I´ve got it. My son has it - Saturn and Mars conjunct in his case.

It´s a tough thing, it´s a bad thing - of course. Ernst has explained why it also opens up for deep spiritual awaking. Not going into that here.

But there is another thing that I´ve discovered recently: Feeling shame about your self expression gives you an unusual capacity for to finetuning it and find authenticity, since every fake vibration resonates so strongly in your mind.

I chant in the lakota tradition myself, I have this shaming myself as said, and I´m extremely sensitive to every beat that doesn´t fall exactly as it should. Or any vocal expression that isn´t true. It´s not about being the best singer or the best drummer, which I´m clearly not, in a kind of objective way. But probably one of the most authentic and truthful, which also makes my chants effective as a healing instrument. Which I have plenty of proof for.
Someone asked of the forum a while ago what to say to a client with shaming in the chart. Well, as Ernst says, if they have a Mars shamed Saturn they are probably not going to come to an astrologer to begin with. But if you encounter shaming in the 5th, then you can tell them this. That they don´t have to be the "best" musician, painter, poet or whatever, but they can probably become the most authentic and truthful. 


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Noble Member
Joined: 2 years ago

Let me add that I believe this could work in a similar way in the 3rd house, or what do you think? That shame could be a factor that help you to improve. But then it would be more about the skill itself, in the 5th it´s all about authenticity and being alined. Am I right?
