Hi, I have a really personal question that came up again now, when I watched the video "Jupiter is Your Man” on You Tube.
I am 48 now. I was in love with a boy from high school for about three years. It felt like my first big love. When I turned 16, I invited him to my birthday party. There, he met my mother. They both fell in love with each other and had a relationship for a year. Since I had a very close, more friendly, sisterly relationship with my mother and was her confidante, I could never really be angry with her. However, I believe that this experience significantly influenced my sense of being a second choice or something similar, and it definitely affected my self-esteem as a woman. I am now wondering if this could be seen in the Jupiter-Avashtas too or perhaps more in the Moon and Saturn-Avashtas. My Moon is okay, but it’s in the first house and in opposition to Saturn in the 7th. It also afflicts my Saturn (starved Saturn to 36 points).Or is it my Sun in conjunction to Merc and Rahu in Scorpio? My Venus does great in Libra but I have Ketu in the 4th in Taurus. I would appreciate any hint on how such an experience might be reflected in the horoscope. Thank you!
THats a quite interesting event. As it happened at 16, jupiter maturation, it could be linked to jupiter, can you provide your birth information?
Hi there, I could be wrong on what I'm about to say as I noticed it while watching anime and using the voice actors birthdate for checking things out.
Anyway here it goes, I noticed a lot of "sister brother" relationship with Venus conjunct Jupiter, in a "loving" kind of way ,like they get attached to a family member like it's their soul mate or something. Like the actors or actress attract some kind of Venusian connection with a family member. Like you I was wondering where it was coming from, it did seem kind of somewhat "unhealthy" from a Avashtas point of view but at the same it wasn't the kind of Avashtas someone would avoid as it seems pleasurable or what we would call "nice" "soft", at least from the standpoint where I was coming from.
If I'm guessing correctly you have a Jupiter Venus opposition, with Venus quite strong in Libra, Venus in the 9th (parents, marriage), Jupiter in the 3rd brothers. This is 2 adults together (Jupiter/Venus), they are both soft gentle Graha, so it' doesn't feel as harsh or cruel. But it's still affecting your belief system of Jupiter a bit. Saturn in the 7th make it coming as a more older vs younger type relationship at the same time.
Clue: when you turned 16 Jupiter maturation age., Venus opposite Jupiter, your mum (Venusian Adult) Starving your husband (Jupiterian Adult). Venus is also your DK or probably if I calculated things correctly. And it's starving Jupiter a bit, Saturn on the 7th make it slower or harder to find a partner at the same time, and you got age difference that you saw. Venus in the 9th is very good though, so nice relationship with your parents and culture, though the 10th is with Rahu, so that 9th is probably not something you are at ease with either, coming more from a Children (PAC) perspective of ketu in the 4th, and that strong Jupiter in the 3rd is probably something you use all the time compared to the 9th, which is more something you want to improve as it's close to Rahu.
Maybe nothing new here, it´s kind of obvious, but: Your Mercury is shamed in your 9th house and it´s your MatraKaraka, so indicator for mother.
The 9th is the house of father and marriage, it would be interesting to know those aspects of your life affected by your mother´s lack of loyalty and limits? (I guess this was not an isolated event.)
I have shaming in my chart too, by the way, and a similar story to tell. For the integrity of other I can´t do that though. Just saying: You are not alone, similar things happen far too often. And shame, as painful as it is, is also a wonderful instrument to work with once you have decided to embrace it. Perhaps you know that already.
At the risk of overfitting (brains are wired to find what we want to look for lol)
I didn't notice anything that could predict the event, but I do notice stressful times, which was probably handled well!
- Me is combust, and lajjita avastha, you were running Ra/Me from 1989-91, and then Ra/Ve. Ra/Me is conjuct 8th cusp, lord Ma is DB indicating stressful circumstances.
- Me is natural significator of friend and also Matra karaka, with required shadbala
- Concretely on Jaimini caranavamsa, you were in Cancer dasha from 1998-1995, again with Ma in Cancer, who rules Ra.
Mars in cancer is delighted indicating stressful circumstances, but healthy attitude.
D-7 has like 4 proud and 1 OH planet, pointing to a good inner-relationship compass!