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Which Lajjitaadi Avashtas

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I believe that the father is important in our lives in the sense that he brings individuality to the child. Mothers have had the children in their wombs and often have, I believe, difficulties to stop seeing them as a part of themselves. If they don´t respect themselves it´s hard for them to respect their children. If they suffer, oftentimes they put their children in the same sack and want them to suffer the same way. Not because they are "mean" - whatever that would mean - but because it´s comfortable for them.

Fathers on the other hand tend to see the child as a miracle and an individual. They don´t see them as a part of themselves, nor of the mother. There is something deeply magic in the loving and fascinated look of a father, when he sees his child, that makes the child feel unique. That is very important for children of both genders, but maybe even more important for girls, since they may stay under the spell of the mother, not seeing them as special.

That is my experience, especially since I have a daughter that had to struggle for in a legal battle with her mother, a struggle that I finally lost. She was told  by her mother and her mother´s family that her father abandoned her, when in reality I had to leave the country we were living in our face jailtime due to false accusations. The mother wanted her to be part of her own drama. She was an amazingly creative girl with an enormous talent for art, but lost most of her uniqueness. She´s now pretty mediocre. She´s on medication since several years and has even suffered a stroke though to that. So yes, my thoughts on this matter is coloured by my own experience, for sure. Take it for what it is.

I´m not saying that mothers in general are harmful to their children, of course not. My other children, two boys, have a wonderful mother to which I have a good relation even though we are not together since 2019. But she respects me as a father and is well aware about the fact that we are both needed, for different things.

I´m just saying that noone has the capacity for creating a sense of uniqueness and individuality as the father. It´s hard for a mother not seeing the child as a part of herself. Healthy mothers understand this and let the father do that job.

Not astrology as such, but related to PAC I guess. (I haven´t listened to the course yet.)


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@staffan I agree with all that you write about the role of the father and mother, it is definitely something to reflect on. 

I am very sorry to hear the story of your daughter. This must have been and maybe still is very difficult. I hope for your daughter, that she will reconnect with her uniqueness and talents again!  I have a son and can feel what this have had meant to you both. 

I believe Ernst once mentioned that the parents are symbols. What our parents teach us from birth, and what we experience through them, ideally, is something that is already rooted within us, and through self discovery and self love we may be able to experience it perhaps for the first time. A hard and rocky path, but in some way that´s what we are here for. I didn´t had a father, and I didn´t consider my stepfather a father, so these qualities, I have to find them in me. And I know they are there:). Working with the Avashtas helps a lot and when combined with some spiritual dedication, it´s doable, I am sure:). 

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@tamarap Yes, it has been a tough thing to deal with, but also not because I know that I did what I could and I had to other kids to focus on and take care of, life didn´t give me any choice. It also helps in a strange way to see that it´s in her horoscope from the beginning - a low ShadBala Moon - ascendant lord - in the 8th - so, as you say, I was just their to trigger something that what meant to be. Still hurts to see her bad, but it helps realizing that it´s her chosen life path.

As for your experience... One of my favourite poets and a friend, Werner Aspenström, grew up without a father and compared it in a poem to the experience of growing up lacking a thumb. Life has taught me that when we lack something, me can consume the lack in it´s place. Like if you are really thirsty - I´ve done my vision quests and Sun Dances, days without drinking water - you drink your own thirst. It helps to a degree. I guess that is what you have to do too - to embrace your lack of father. Had you had one - a good one that is, there are bad fathers too of course - you would not have accepted your mothers behaviour, that I´m pretty sure of.

Perhaps it´s good to be reminded that having wonderful, perfectly balanced and caring parents is not a common thing. You are not exactly alone in your predicament, if that helps.


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Seeing a few things with this but over all it revolves around the activity of the 8th house cusp. Pada of the 7th house, Leo is in Scorpio + Lord of the 7th, Sun is in Scorpio, conjunct 8th house cusp and with Mercury who is Lord of the 4th house cusp, all this conjunct Rahu.  So sudden events with 4th, mother, 7th partners and 8th, taboos and unusual situations is implicated.  Then Saturn in the 7th gives obstacles in relationships and delays them as a general influence but Rahu will give the results of Saturn so it gets more prominence.  The lord of Scorpio is debilitated and aspecting it, Mars being the actions the mother takes in life and debilitated will surly give some poor results at times.

As I have calculated, you were running Ra/Me/Ve/Mo/Sa at the time.  Rahu being maha dasa with debilitated lord starts it off, Mercury ruler of the 4th house implicates mother, Venus is the hunger for relationship aspected by Saturn in 7th, Moon karaka of mother and Saturn denying relationship.  

Scorpio usually get deprived of something, Jaimini says deprivation of what's in the brest but I have seen other things being deprived.  Lord of the 7th there with 8th cusp and Rahu will do it unexpectedly.

Looking at the Pada of Scorpio it's in Pisces with the pada of Capricorn and Taurus, here is the effect on your self esteem.  Capricorn is 12 house and Taurus contains Ketu and is in Venus owned Rasi, so yes, I would say it diminished your confidence particularly as a woman.  

Varshapala tells the tale as Moon with Rahu in 2nd house of family and your Preeti Saham of Love in 12th house Scorpio with strong mars that also rules the 4th house cusp.  Sun is there who rules the 9th from the Lagna and Leo also holds 8th house cusp, so more Rahu/8th/Scorpio energy combining with 2nd and 4th.  The final straw is Venus and Saturn are only 5 seconds of arc apart and Moon is between them and only 1:07 away from Venus and 1:02 away from Saturn. Lord of the 2nd house Saturn is in an openly friendly relationship with Venus while moon and Venus are in a secret enemy relationship and you were running Venus Patyanini dasa on your 16th day.  

Since your Ketu is maturing and your in Sa/Ve dasa it seems like quite a ripe time for all this to come to the surface.  

The fixed star your Saturn is closely conjunct is Talitha in Ursa Major.  The story of Ursa Major involves the attempted seduction and abduction of Callisto, daughter of Lycaon by Zeus.  Saturn in your dwadasamsa is in Virgo, and in the 12 house, then Mercury is in the fourth from the Lagna and with the 8th house cusp and Ketu.  Moon is also with Rahu so this story has old roots.

“Talitha” means “Daughter of the assembly” and comes from the biblical story in Mark 5:22&23 where Jairus one of the rulers of the synagogue (assembly), comes to Jesus and said “my little daughter is at the point of death”.  Jesus goes to the house of the daughter and in Mark 5:41 he takes her hand and says “Talitha Cumi” which means “daughter arise”.  

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@quasar259 thank you! A lots of interesting and thoughtful points. I will have to examine that with time and care- Now I stick mentally with one phrase, that is: "Talitha Cumi!":). And the story of Callisto of course. I really love the mythologies and tales- they can reveal so much truth.

Amit Bhat
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I think it has lot to do with moon starving saturn in 7th with moon being mother and starvation and separation happening from partner 7th house in a physical and gross way saturn. 

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@amit Hi Amit- that´s a rabbit hole 🤪! In the end it´s good old Saturn.

Amit Bhat
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Yeah, actually Saturn is a very simple and cool guy but it's the simple tree which gets attacked first, unfortunately Saturn has many enemies. He gets caught somehow and his enemies want to fulfill themselves in an unfulfilling and negative way. Key is to hold his enemies in control and push them back when they attempt to seize Saturn and put them to place through regular spiritual training.

Ernst Wilhelm
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I think the foundation of that was Mercury as 4th lord with sun the 7th lord and rahu, so mercury is shamed and as Staffan pointed out, Mercury is also MK. This combo would smash the self esteem as shamed planets all suffer from something demeaning that has hurt their self esteem. 

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@ernst thank you!!

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