Hello Ersnt,
Thank you for the video on the strengths. It was very interesting to see.
I was analyzing my chart and saw that most of my troubled avasthas is agitation from the Sun. So, all the Su agitation avasthas (esp benefics) has been super valuable to me, thank you for that!
I have few questions on qualifying. Even though my Su is agitating, it has very good cheshta bala (56.) and uccha bala (41.). So it is not agitating as badly on these levels. But it has poor dig bala (13.) .. The trouble I am seeing is highest in dig bala.
does it mean that the lesson is to understand to balance the yin/yang parts of Su better ? or to understand to balance the yin/yang parts of the other planets better ?
Also, how would you counsel such a case ? Is it to advice on the Su agitating planets part
So what is happening, when it comes to listening to your inner voice on what to do, its at the times when you have to shift from ucca to chestha or from chestha to ucca that the bad habbits get in the way.
Y es, of course, those dignities give a good avastha to the planet.
perfect answer to your course question!