Kshobita - incompat...
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Kshobita - incompatibilities

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Hi!  If this mainly refers to incompatibilities- like agitated combust mercury being incompatible w friends- does it mean with ALL friends all the time or there there’s room for compatible friendships in different settings? 
being friends from a distance and observe or accept may (and not sure about it) be easier than more personal karakas like parent or lover situations. With parents you may accept the incompatibility once you grow, live w it and still love your parents but w lovers, you may have to just stay away from that kind of experience or maybe learn which type of settings or circumstances can work? 

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I think the distinction was made between associates, teammates, or colleges which is Mars vs Friends, which is Mercury. I’ve had great luck, few friends but really good and lasting relationships in terms of friendship

But I’m asking if a combusted Mercury will always give bad results w friends or if it depends on the settings- let’s say Mercury in the 6th house could be friends at daily work, in the 4th maybe from your hometown etc. He also mentioned that not ALL is bad since planets may also receive a good aspect but in general a bad mercury will give always bad effects w friends? Asking for a friend 😉 really and because its a common planetary event

it could be a combust venus so would that mean that men will always have incompatibility w all women? 

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@veronica I think it’s the other way around: Mars being “pure” friendship and Mercury being friendship that has some obligations/commitment to it. In my case, I have Mars combust and I have long lasting (one dates back to when I was 6 years old) and positive friendships (I really have amazing people as friends, not bragging, just grateful for how lucky I’ve always been with close friends) but I am (and often have been) separated from them geographically. That’s where I see the “incompatibility” of the combustion. I think that teammates and associates are a different “category”, more 3rd house related (though it links back to Mercury, Gemini being the 3rd sign of the zodiac).

Venus combust has something to do with  self-worth and the father’s impact. For me, it’s in the second house (close family members and early childhood) so it’s definitely been a theme in my life. I guess it would translate differently based on the house. In the 7th house, incompatibility with romantic partner for example. 

generally speaking, a combust planet has low chesta bala which factors in the ShadBala strength of a planet but it can definitely get helped from friends in the Lajjitaadi Avasthas. It’s 2 different things that interact with each other’s. 

And, like Ernst said at different points in the course:

“No Graha, however, works in isolation, and so a Graha’s ability to fulfill its required activities varies dramatically in respect to the Grahas influencing it in accordance with the principles of the Lajjitaadi Avasthas. Grahas in favorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas gain strength, while those in unfavorable Avasthas lose strength. 

Each person is different. We all have a special mix of those strengths and weaknesses. 

Based on the L.A., we go to extremes with our weaknesses.

ShadBala gives a weakness, not a disease. 

There is no such thing as a bad life if we live it in accordance with our strengths and weaknesses”

Also, since you mentioned it was a common occurring event (Mercury combust), maybe it’s because we have to learn to love our friends despite our differences. Maybe, if we were living in a different era, Mercury wouldn’t be combust that much 🙂

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 @mona Mars,and Mercury are better explained in the character effects of the grahas pdf file, 

I think you are right in that we have to love our friends ✅ that’s the idea behind the combustion that you still have to love them and be a good friend even if you dont receive anything in return- but I hope there exceptions and is not all  black and white. I want to advise someone where to find good friends despite a combust mercury and I thouth maybe could find out according to the house placement of the benefics

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@veronica One thing I’ve learned about astrology is that it is never black and white. Mainly because a chart contains many factors that balance each other’s out and my conclusion is that it’s never a good idea to rely on a single indication just like a judge or a jury would not rely on a single proof or witness to pronounce a final verdict. So am sure that, by looking holistically at this person’s chart, you can find some balancing factors 🙂

And one thing you may advise with a combust Mercury is to keep the friendship a friendship and not enter into anything that leads to duties or obligations (like becoming roommates). Ernst explains the difference (which was new to me) in the Agitated class of the master course. 



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@veronica also, I thought more about your question re: houses/settings. My understanding is that the houses are how the combustion (or any issue) will play out. I am assuming that it will be more challenging in dusthana houses (friends could become enemies in the 6th, hide things from you in the 8th, undermines/erodes you in the 12th) but it’s mostly a setting like you said, not necessarily a more or less difficult experience. It can also be used to advise this person. If in the 10th for example, this would play out at work, so I would say don’t necessarily look for friends in that environment (or, if you have a good friend, don’t become a colleague), in the 4th, avoid being roommates or become close friends with your roommates, etc... of course if the person understands a combust Mercury and can get to a level of acceptance, that’s different. Hope that makes sense:)

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@mona yes thats more like what I was considering , this person has combust Mercury in the 8th - which also indicates relatives, inheritance, breaks - so it could also manifest in that sense - maybe...want to find where can good friends could be find according to this or what not to trust friends for, if that helps 

For now its a funny situation, this is my friend’s child and she never gets invited to parties,  the “best friends” of the moment always do something wrong but she is very forgiving. Instead she has a good Jupiter and teachers are Always trying to help and provide extra tutoring time which she complains about “I didn’t ask for it” but still a good girl so guiding where to find good friends may be good idea

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@veronica That's interesting, it's as if the parties are held secretly/hidden from her at least and that the friends have flaws. Very 8th house stuff. Maybe the best is that you look at where her Mercury is delighted?
