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(@Anonymous 24401)
Joined: 3 years ago

hi, people. sorry by my poor english. I have noten that lajittadi avasthas are more perceive in conjuctions till 15º distance. In my chart, for instance, i have moon in 11º, mercury 11º and sun 12º Capricorn, and saturn 28,41' in same sign. I dont feel much saturn starving mercury and moon, but sun agitades moon yeah. I have notice this in charts i've seen too. Its correct? Dou you notice this too? tell me your experiences. thanks a lot.

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

are you using tropical or sidereal signs?

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(@Anonymous 24401)
Joined: 3 years ago

Posts: 8

@ernst hi teacher, thanks for reply. I'm use sideral signs, but i 'm novice in astrology. I love your tecniques, and learn too much. When i start the courses i was very receipable to your insight in tropical signs. I'm testing yet, but i think sideral sign more accurate.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

with tropical signs saturn will not join those planets and so not starve them. But yes, the entire sign matters, not just 15 degree org. I think you are noticing this cause you are not using tropical signs. 

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(@Anonymous 24401)
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Posts: 8

@ernst  in tropical sign my moon 1:14 ,mercury 1:'57and sun 2:37. and saturn 18:46 but in aquarius(same house- 10th bhava). it dont change much, more than 15º distanc. I like lajitaadi avashta because in conjuctions and planetary aspects( placement distanc astronomic) in majority case is the same in the both zodiacs

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hello ernst, this brings up a question that has been lingering in my mind too. 

How do you interpret a planets in <1 degree difference from the ends of a rasi.

for example 29 degree 30 min in Leo or 29 degree 40 min in Aq or say 00 degree 28 min in Vi. All planets in either mine or charts of someone I know. Behavior wise I have noticed a heavy influence from both adjacent Rasis. I am not sure how to qualify those.

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3508

@scoobydoo Its in the sign its in. You can ALWAYS notice some influence of other signs in ALL Positions if you look for them because when you look and see what signs a planet is in other vargas you get a big mix. Also,signs that are next to each other have some similarity so aries and taurus have some similarity simply because they are next to each other in the zodiac. But when you read the chart, its in the sign its in.

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Posts: 109

@ernst ; Thank you for the clarification.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

yes, of course you are right. I was making the calculation in reverse! In any case. I have seen many charts when saturn was at end of sign and another is at beginning of sign and the starvation was very apparent. maybe as you learn to qaulify the avasthas which i am starting to teach in today's video, it will make sense why you are not noticing the saturn as much as the other factors. Also, with the sun combusting, so really badly agitating two planets, there is a lot of agitation going on. 

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(@Anonymous 24401)
Joined: 3 years ago

Posts: 8

@ernst  indeed, teacher. this agitation i notice much, my mercury and moon are agitate in d9 also, and to find my purpose in life was agitated. but saturn starving moon and mercury i don't notice.  I will see this video about calculations. I think orb is very important. thank you!

(@Anonymous 24401)
Joined: 3 years ago

Posts: 8

i got it more lajittad avasthas watching lajitaadi avastha the heart of parashara. I had wathing only by interpreting avasthas course, and now understand that the troubled moon( lack of conection) stay like this not only by moon itself, but when it aspects saturn too. Your explain about the person has tendency healthy and unhealthy comportament makes sense. I dont notice much saturn starves moon because my moon focus on jupiter, and sun too. I feel good when i help people,and through astrology i feel better. now i know why for one person the lajittadi avashtas is less complicated and other not. Its about choose a way and dont have other good avashtas to help it. thanks.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

Thats great you are seeing it this way. 
