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Mars, Sun and Mercury Shamed. vs. Exalted Venus

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Mars, Sun and Mercury Shamed. vs. Exalted Venus
I have a friend in whose chart Mars, Sun and Mercury are Shamed, all in the 5th Capri.
Sun makes a Parivartana 5-12 with Saturn, adding losses to Mars and Mercury as well.
At the same time there is an Exalted Venus in the 7th, Mahapurusha. Venus also making a Parivartana 7-9 with Jupiter. Jupiter in Taurus with Ketu.
This will make for a happy and lucky marriage, but it's not at all his case.
He is 47 and all his love relationships have turn disastrous psychologically. Even resulting in heavy health issues. (Mercury, 1 and 10 Lord, is Retro).
So, I guess it must be that the shamed planets destroy the expected positive outcome of Venus and Jupiter regarding romantic relationships. I am very surprised by the power of the effect.
He also have a good full Moon, own sign in 11th.
Always excelling in his studies, he obtained his Phd in Fine Arts very quickly, profiting of a scholarship. And right away he got a job as a teacher in the university of his own town at the Design department. After 10 years working there he got the status of official professor. He is a great dedicated teacher and artist.
But his romantic life totally ruins his happiness and has created serious health issues, despite having a healthy life style all throughout his life.
Most of the time there is a cloud around himself, a cloud of sadness bringing the energy inwards.
Mars although exalted is both shamed and starved. He likes cooking specially since he had to take care of his poor health, but otherwise Mars is not much visible. Rather he is an extremely pleasing person, to the extent of becoming a servant, particularly when he has some romantic interest.
Since his early youth he repeats the same pattern. Obsessive unrequited love. Resulting in women who abuse of him. As he falls in love he starts to give them amazing presents and becomes a slave of his object of desire.
Once there was a different story. For a year or so he was meeting a girl who was in love with him. They had sex regularly, she was very happy. But eventually he left her. He couldn't see himself with her in a relationship, the reason being that she was not pretty enough. (I can't help feeling that he was confused, there was something else, but it's just my opinion. I feel something was not real creating a weird feeling to him. Can it be the shamed planets?)
Usually he can be for years behind a beautiful athletic woman who doesn't show any interest on him. He sticks to his desire. Single-focus. 
Nevertheless all these traumatic stories have originated very original art pieces. Laborious, sensual and refined pieces with deep contents. 
Even after being openly rejected by the woman, he still remains wishing it would change, sometimes for years...suffering...
Does Saturn in 12th, in GE dignity, creates difficulties with losses?
His D-7 Varga has many planets in very bad dignity.
Something interesting that I mention in case it is related to the shamed planets. When he speaks about it, he keeps the composure and shows a rational understanding of the situation, the lack of interest from the other part, the need of dignity from his side..., but if the next day the woman shows up all the reasoning is immediately forgotten and he comes back to his initial stage of illusion and servitude.
Lately he is having psychological therapy. So he has realised he has difficulty to recognise his feelings.
Does the situation I've described matches the shamed planets?
I was wondering if he might be Libra Lagna instead of Virgo. His Lagna is in the last part of Virgo. Being a Libra will put Venus in 6th and Jupiter in 8th.
Bringing Mars, Sun and Mercury in 4th.
Any suggestions?
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It seems to me that the chart would have to be rectified for to be able to draw any certain conclusions. Maybe seeing the chart would help though.

If he has shaming in the 5th I would expect that to manifest in relation to children and in his art. Maybe he has forced someone to get an abortion or abandoned a child? Maybe he is raising a child that is not his. Well, he would probably not know... Maybe a child in some way has a shameful behaviour? He might have a sexual addiction. As for his art, maybe he´s manifesting shameful themes, like sexual tabus or similar? But of course he could also act out of compensation and keep those themes as far away from his expression as possible. It might be difficult to see, and it is of course a sensitive matter to interview him about.

On the other hand: If something manifests that way, it would be an indication of the actual ascendant to be the correct one. If you can´t see it, it might still be present. It might be proved, but it´s harder to rule it out.


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@staffan Thanks,
The examples you mention are really far away from his life. But looking through that kaleidoscope: In regards to children. He simply has never consider to have children. Even the idea of a established relationship has been far from him. He can recognize the existence of desire but never dare to speak about love.
He is super cautious and responsable in all his interactions, and he may just get a kiss in exchange of 6 months of presents and all kinds of recurrent favors.

In regards to his art. He is not about taboo, nor shocking, nor provocation..., because the idea comes from real personal feelings and needs, it is not about generating an effect for the audience. But of course love relationships problematics is a topic in his art. For instance once he was making bras and underwears out of marshmallow... Or a carpet made out of finger tips, in different kind of silicons... Another topic very present in his art is: disease, which is maybe a real taboo in the western modern society.

But a video of Ernst has given me the answer. Once, he talks about how the Laajita avastha is directly impacting the health of the native. And he has the 1st Lord Mercury doubly shamed by Sun and Mars.
Secondly Ernst talks about the case when there is Sun starving Saturn and viceversa + shamed planets. He has it as well. And he is in fact so deeply concerned about not to do anything wrong... He is not someone who blame others, rather in a calm way he'll express his surprise and worry about common behaviors like not being fair, not being responsible, etc.
His father was an awful exemple, he really has to do differently. From there probably his refusal to parenting. He takes however good care to provide the best education to his students.

Also one comment from Quasar I like very much, when he talks about the Sun's vision helping when there are shamed planets.
I quote Quasar:
"remember your true worth and value, stand in the recognition of your inherent value and reconnect with your true intention in the situation". That of course works if someone has some inspiration and vision in their life. ""
Working in this direction can help him. He gives meaning to his life with his art, often in a tamasic way, there are delights, and potential to improve.

Thanks u all

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@marianela Sounds like a good chart for spiritual growth. Self acceptance and self love are the key, of course. As for anyone, but even more pronounced in his case it seems.

It would be interesting to study his nakshatras. They are such an important toolbox and tell us so much about the deeper motivation and direction of a person. I have recently taken the nakshatras course and have this feeling now that you can´t really say anything for sure about a person without considering the foundation that the nakshatras lay for them.


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@staffan Thanks, I was also thinking that spiritual growth could be a good path for him.
Even though I don't know how spiritual growth happens.

And thanks for the input about Nakshatras, suddenly very appealing. I wish I can delve into it soon. 

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@marianela Spiritual growth is a very personal thing of course, it´s different for everyone. At it´s base it´s about how we relate to life and to God, don´t you think? Nothing can be more personal I believe.

With that said, according to Ernst´s teaching, before liberation and stuff like that, comes the churning of the ocean of milk... I guess you are familiar with that myth? Solving our emotional problems in cooperation with our demons, that is: acknowledging our shadow side. Which takes a few - hrm - lifetimes, they say. I guess you know all this already, i don´t want to sound like some kind of guru. 

But with that said: That´s what a spiritual path means to almost everyone, I believe: being led by the higher light while focus on our earthly matters. Relations. Wounds. Connection with the elements. Etc. 

That´s my understanding.

Giving up being "spiritual" in some kind of idealistic way is often the most spiritual thing you can do, don´t you think? I once attended a family constellation in which an elder woman presented her concern that she didn´t find the way up to the level of the saints and the light ones. The man in charge of the constellation told her to get down on her knees, then on her stomach, and she told her to integrate herself, in her mind, with the rock. She resisted but did as he said. Only after giving up any identification with the saints may one become a saint, I guess...

Maybe the point is getting out of sight, I don´t know.

Spirituality is hard work. "Spirituality is carrying wood and water" a person who had the funcion of a mentor during a period of my life used to say.

Spirituality is to accept that it may take a few thousands of lifetimes, and more, to get there.

"Keep a slow pace and you´ll swiftly arrive." Milarepa


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@staffan Thanks

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@marianela It´s obviously not more than one perspective... I like to tell people not to define God, how can we even try to nail the Great mystery in any way? "With that said", I add: "God is above all a humorist!"

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@staffan Thanks
