I was looking at a chart with Ju losing planetary war to Mars very severely where the total shadbala score of Ju went to 50 points. I assumption is that a planet lost in war has less of an impact to give good lajjitaadi avasthas and gives worst bad avasthas? To me, yuddhi would impact a planets avasthas. Not just its yogas where the power gets transferred to the other planet, like in this case Mars gets a great boost.
In respect to war and lajjitaadi avasthas, the winning avastha planet takes control over the loosing avastha planet. So its best if the winner is in good avasthas and the looser is in bad avashtas. its really trouble if the worst avastha planet overcomes another planet in war.
The more and more I do astrology the more I think that the total bala of a planet is just not all that important as the indivudual balas.
In respect to war and lajjitaadi avasthas, the winning avastha planet takes control over the loosing avastha planet. So its best if the winner is in good avasthas and the looser is in bad avashtas. its really trouble if the worst avastha planet overcomes another planet in war.
The more and more I do astrology the more I think that the total bala of a planet is just not all that important as the indivudual balas. And a planet overcome in war loses strength in ALL his balas.