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Hi Ernst,

I have two questions.

First, are all the videos on Youtube about Trump's cabinet through the Adityas a required prerequisite to your Aditya course coming out this Spring?

I have avoided watching them except for Elon Musk, who I am really curious about.

You said Mercury is great in Indra, and is not being harmed by the Moon. But that is Cancer, which is not great for Mercury in general because it is starved by the Moon there.

So were you just speaking of Elon's own case because of his exchange yoga with Virgo (and with Me having full digbala and being in Budha Aditya yoga)?



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I think if you watch the first video in the series, Ernst explains there the rulership of Aditya’s are deities (hope I got that right?) , not planets as in the case of the zodiac signs.

Then he uses planetary relationships to interpret how planets are doing and affecting each other and that Aditya sign.

Mercury having Moon as its only natural enemy, and not getting aspected by Moon at all , or just to a small degree - it’s sort of positive.


These are 2 different systems of zodiac. Cancer and Moon rulership over it, and all that derives from it - won’t apply to Aditya’s where there are other rulers and factors.

But being that zodiacal signs and Aditya’s are spaces where planets transit, it sorts of making sense to still take planetary natural relationships into consideration.

At least that’s how I understand it so far. It makes sense to me.


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@mirela Thank you for responding, and I am sorry. But I just can't make sense of it.

It's like having a completely different 12-fold zodiac overlaying the tropical rashis, with often contradictory results and rules to it, yet they are still the rashis in some way, or on some level. Because they take up the same space at the same intervals.

They are the rashis themselves. Yet they are not?

So Mercury is great in the Adtiya Indra, but pathologically starved in Cancer. But they are defined and bounded by the same 30 degree segment of the tropical zodiac, yet still not the same thing?

And Venus is delighted in Gemini, but misguided and misbehaving in Varuna, but its in the same space in both instances?

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And in the video, Ernst's description of Venus in Varuna also reminds me more of how we would think of it placed Cancer, a sattvic brahmin water sign ruled by a luminary, which is more of the unconditional love of a mother, which is not compatible with Venus's own style of a relationship agenda.

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I don’t view it like that. There is enough space for different systems of knowledge. I use in my practice several of them and look at confluences, when using together. But overall, I basically separated them when learning each, and used them to read a person’s life exclusively with that system. If I got a clear picture and pieces fit in without using other tools, then I kept the system in my practice. One thing doesn’t have to explain everything. 

Not sure how to explain 

it, but I don’t get hung up on the contradictions. Like if Mercury is bad in one system but not the other, it doesn’t make a system worse than the other. However , if I read the whole chart and don’t get a clear picture of the person, event, etc. then  that system isn’t for me to grasp and I don’t use it. Maybe I’ll still use stuff that pops up for me in the reading. 

I feel

like this is just the preview . I have no idea how to interpret anything as a whole with Aditya’s until I take the classes and try it on my horoscope and others. When I do, I’ll make a decision whether it fits in my practice and use it , but so far - I watched all videos and have no questions and don’t feel like it’s butting heads with the classic zodiac sign.

For example, I made a video about Elon’s chart 8 years ago when I was a beginner in astrology, and I did it with one of my study buddy from the old forum here. Some of the same things came to light, but the explanation wasn’t the Venus and it’s Aditya. 

It’s too early for me to decide about Adityas but so far, nothing prompted me isn’t worthwhile exploring. Definitely not the Mercury and Venus in Musk’s chart. 

Funny, I’m that video long time ago, I was mentioning I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll ever make a run for president. Well, he’s in politics now and in the inner circle… so that’s close enough to fulfill that beginner mind prophecy.

We will see what else transpires but I’m open minded, hope you get more clarifications from Ernst though. 

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He´s doing it again. He´s turning everything upside down!

My prediction: The sidereals are going to come back listening to him.



Ernst Wilhelm
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If the sidereals are gonna come back and listen to me, then I am going to stop while I can, haha. 

Its not about sidereal or tropical. it's about a symbology of the ecliptic that is likely older than the zodiac. So old, it's been forgotten, unused, covered in dust. And now I am blowing the dust off it and giving everyone a chance to see it for the first time in at least 2,300 years. Then it will be for us all to decide in our own minds where its relevancy lies. 

One of the big questions we will have to answer is how many, if any, of the old vedic astrology techniques are meant to be used with Adityas and not with the tropical or sidereal zodiacs? Some, all, none? this is a very important consideration. I am sure that some of what is in Parashara is meant for the adityas because in that text the vargas are also given the symbols out of vedic mythology. 

There is nothing to be confused about because there is no pressure, It's simply to look, see, and see what works where and use it or not. No one has to feel they know anything at any point in time. No one is learning enough about the adityas to know anything yet. 

I am just showing the adityas on these youtube vids to garner interest. I am not teaching the adityas yet. And no, no one needs to watch these videos as a prerequisite to the course. The course will start at the most basic level and expand to consider possibilities on many levels. 

It will be fun, just think, we get to EXPLORE astrology on the most basic level of the ecliptic in a way that has not been done for millennium. It's like an archeological find and who knows what it will reveal about our ideas of astrology. 

This is a HUGE project that will require a lot of explorers to complete. 

