Note: I just deleted this post from another thread, because I believe this should be placed here instead
In the Lajjitada Saturn starving Sun video, Ernst described that when Saturn aspects Sun, that these people are in the habit of not following their inspiration, choosing instead to focus on survival as a recourse. I have Sun aspecting Saturn to a Tee, direct opposition both ways. But, I also have Ketu in the sign of Leo (conjunct Mars and Venus in Leo), where Ernst instructs that "Ketu Leo individuals are in the habit of following their inspiration, when they should learn to be Saturn more.".
So, my question is, which should take precidence? Following the Sun, or embracing Saturn? What is the balance here? Since I was a child, I've always been one to want to follow my inspiration, even to the point of being willing to risk my life over living an inspired life, dropping out of college to follow my inspiration, etc. I've always hated what Saturn represented. I can't fathom an uninspired life. Just living to live...
Should the goal be to embrace the Rahu path of Saturn to help heal my Saturn starving Sun avastha, or do I need to commit to the Sun/inspirations more?
Ketu creates pathological attachments, the goal is to balance Rahu Ketu axis. So Ketu can create a pathological attachment to what you like to do Leo while it's not really helpful to others aquarius or not sharing enough with others trying to be the centre of attention
So, in your case not letting outer difficulties stop you from following your inspirations while at the same time learning to serve others (aquarius) through your capabilities (Leo)
Have you watched the pac videos yet? I think that would help to answer your question. It would help to pause when you notice the “don’t do this” voice and to observe what created that voice. Is it coming from a healthy Saturn habit or a bad habit? It’s difficult.
Although I have a very delighted Sun, I also have ketu in Leo and unfortunately my environment keeps telling me that my inspirations are not realistic. For example, I had to stay true to my conviction of being a stay at home mom against pressure from every single person in my life. I thought that if I equipped myself with all the research in baby development that I could convince others to see it my way. But no, I needed to embrace that others simply project their own fears. They argue that I am poor. Instead of arguing against them or trying to convince them otherwise, I reframe it: I’m sacrificing extra income to do things my way, and I’m okay with that.
My brother has this axis.
What Amit has said is true for him.
Myself, Sun is pretty delighted, but has also 30 virupas aspect from Saturn. As far as Dig, Chesta and Uccha it's not enough to harm it. Nevertheless lately I saw this aspect from Saturn to Sun in my life. As Saturn was transiting exact degree my Sun I was again in a situation where I sacrifice a core part of myself. By the fear of being despised in a certain environment. Not shining my full light. Letting the visions of others define me. Of course it doesn't feel good. The others are happy, the situation is sustained, but my seed is not yet planted.
But it's not so simple as this or that... (at least for us with Sun-Sa).
My birthday is coming and it's being a Sun Saturn conjunction. Surprisingly a security approach action is appearing very attractive to me. It's really not my style, but maybe for this year it will be right? In the moment it's working, and even if it eventually stays as a mere idea, for the moment is helping me to go through the actual issues. Thinking of it as a willing conscious choice in the context of a larger Sunny purpose.
Coming back to you, having Mars and Venus with Ketu. There will be chapters you have to live there.