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Reconciling Mars starved by Mercury from different LA courses

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Hi @ernst


In the earlier Lajjitaadi Avasthas courses, you share that Ma starved by Mercury doesn't believe that their application of will and self effort will make any difference. However, in the PAC course, you share that instead of believing that they can get help from others/companions/comrades to achieve their goals, they believe they need to do it all by themselves, which is more indicative of them applying their own will and effort. How does one go about reconciling the two?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Good question. In the PAC I talk more about mars being the support that a person learns to receive from their mother during ages 1-3 and how this creates a consciousness of Support Exists and so the person can then benefit from supportive people in their lives. And yes, Mercury starving mars makes mars who is the planet of beating the odds, not want to go things when the odds are not in their favor because mercury is looking at mars and saying, wait till the odds are in your favor! So the person who has a starved by mercury mars will not get benefit from teammates and also will be waiting for things to line up when they need to move their ass and do what they need to do for themselves in order to be okay. 

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@ernst So should the Mars-starved-by-Mercury person continue with the assumption that they can't get help from teammates (since you just stated above that they will not benefit from them) and start trying to do things by themselves anyway, but without waiting for the odds to be favorable?

Or, once they've tried at it a while, should they seek out teammates?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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They should practice both and they should background check thier team mates and partners better. One of the funny things about this starvation is that they don't do a proper assessment of the people they try to work with and so end up with wrong people. 

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@ernst Could it also be said that these people aren't naturally good at being a good teammate?

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@mitryendra80 I imagine the mars mercury person would be the one doing most of the work? Or abandon the project altogether. My son has Mars shaming Mercury in the 5th with Rahu 😵‍💫 but at least Mars is mulatrikona. He’s not even one year old yet so I’m very curious how it will play out

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@karinia I have Mars in the 5th too, and although it gets low Dig Bala, I find it very good for praying, chants and mantras. If he chooses that path. As you probably know Mars´ deity is Karttikeya, the 7 year old child that is in charge of the army of light. Too bad Rahu is there too, though.


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Here a pure Mars-Mercury conjunction in 11th. No one virupa delight for Mars. Neither any other bad avastha. No planet delighted or starved in the signs of Mars. 

My general feeling about my Mars: almost non-existing. I have 6 friends with Mars starved by Mercury. But their Mars has other avasthas, it is more active than mine. 

How is my Mars:

No "won't power", difficulties saying "No". The mere ideas of boundaries or protection are concepts which have taken decades to be part of my mindset. Let alone to use them. 

About fights:  I tend to avoid to engage in fights, arguments, discussions, etc. And when I got in there, most likely I'll lose.

Adversities: As Aries lagna I quickly jump into starting my projects, but when adversities come, I tend to feel discouraged. No hope, no lived experiences that putting effort will bear results. Mars Uccha and Dig survive the starvation, but not the Chesta. Also Jupiter low chesta doesn't give hope. For me this is the most damaging trait. No hope, but also no clarity, no logic to act upon. Only resignation is available. (Extremely low Ayana Bala as well).

With groups it's often frustrating. So, I prefer to work alone, where I am free to act. Pairs I can handle well though, and sometimes trios. (Venus is ok).

But, sure, mistakes and difficulties to distinguish between friends or enemies. (Mars 1st lord, Mercury 6th lord) 

Being heard: My requests are not heard, or they are not solid, so people don't mind them. (Baby is not heard). Soft, timid voice. 

This is not usual for a Ketu in 3rd, but I don't fight at all for my opinion. And I'll be easily the last one to speak in the group.

I can feel as victim, sure helpless, but rarely I'll say it openly.

Even today, I can see myself in a situation which is harming me and although knowing I have to use Mars: to stop it or go away, No way. My mind unceasingly tries to convince me that there is a way I don't need to use the "Won't power".

PAC confirmation: I was around 1 year old when my grandma got very sick and she had to move to live with us. My brother was 4, me 1, and grandma losing mind and getting blind. It was very stressing for my mother. Grandma died when I got 3.



I have a friend who was born 5 days after me. We have all the planets in the same signs except the Moon. 

She is Gemini Lagna, and Moon in 11th. About groups we are pretty different: She enjoys a lot collaborations, and even though she has a steady work alone, she is actively seeking collaborations, as her favorite way. She just enjoys so much talking and being around people. So that also people seek her. While for me people become draining after a little while. I have 2 planets in 12th. She however has all the planets in good houses: 2, 9, 10, 11.

We are part of a group of friends meeting on Fridays, and it's funny, quite often we come dressed in the same colours 🙂 



The sadest and extreme case among my friends is a guy with Mars-Sun-Mercury in 5th. Mars shamed, Sun shamed and Mercury double shamed. How he keeps meeting with people who abuse him for years and years. And the tremendous efffect on his health.
