Last seen: Mar 8, 2025
@ernst I’m very confused about my caste. I’m sun atmakaraka in Sag in both Rasi and Navamsa, delighted by mars, moon, Jupiter, and no starvation. Jupi...
Taurus is white, inability for the Moon to change to a better environment. Scorpio, survival, not adapted to walls/building so sight is ineffective an...
Have you watched the pac videos yet? I think that would help to answer your question. It would help to pause when you notice the “don’t do this” voice...
y would be 3cm. The bottom portion would be 2cm or 2x as long as the middle portion.
@mitryendra80 I imagine the mars mercury person would be the one doing most of the work? Or abandon the project altogether. My son has Mars shaming Me...
I apologize for deleting my response from earlier. Maybe that accurately reflects my Saturn Mercury conjunction 😂 I have it in Capricorn and I...
If I reminder right Sri Yukteswar gave Yogananda a gem to change a fated event. But perhaps the giving of the gem and developing some respect for astr...
If you are inspired to, give readings. Part of the reading is fate, and so the client receives what they’re meant to. But I do think it’s important to...
@tuyetv what took a sec to wrap my mind around is the practice of using the same cusp locations for the resulting chart after making a cusp other than...
How do we know if we have a chart worth adding?
@suzanstars thank you, your example cleared my confusion
@staffan yes the goal is to read children from the 5th bhava in the rasi