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Shamed Planets with Exalted Dispositor

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Hi Ernst and all,

I was hoping to get some insight on something I recently saw in a chart and I'm contemplating how I would counsel this person.


This person has

Rahu in the lagna in Gemini w/ Sa

Ketu in the 7th in Sag w/ Mercury, Sun, and Venus

Jupiter in Cancer


At first sight, I thought "oof, what a difficult chart". Saturn and Rahu in a conjunction and in the lagna. Venus and Mercury are shamed.

However, all roads lead back to Jupiter.

How good is Ketu? Jupiter rules the shamed planets and he's exalted.

How good is Rahu? Rahu is ruled by Mercury, who's ashamed, but who's dispositor is that exalted Jupiter.

This leads me to my question: Is there such a thing as "cancellation" of an ashamed avastha? Or could I at least expect the exalted ruler to help the shamed planets?

Does the chart holder have to work our their shame before they have access to that exalted Jupiter or will the exalted Jupiter help them heal the shame?

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Let me start out by saying I do not know the answer to your question, but i will just share what i see in the chart with the information provided. Yes Mercury and Venus are shamed but Mercury delights Venus. Sun also delights Mercury and at the same time agitates Mercury. All sort of stuff going on in the 7th house. The 1st lord in the 7th house so the path of this person is about relationships, partnership. Several planets with Ketu so it is about finishing up past life, completion. 1/7 axis so it is about balancing out being independent vs. co-dependent. I am sufficient myself, i have my partner, i have my relationship with other people in the world. But I need some help from them as well so they must contribute in my growth and i must contribute equally into their growth.

Sun Ketu usually the person has self-doubt. There is the 5th lord in the 7th house yoga here - Venus in Sagi. This yoga is usually multiple relationships or death of husband or child. In one instance i have seen in a chart there is such a fear of relationships that there is no relationship. Mercury and Venus in the 7th, 8th or 10th makes the person very strong sexually and they incline to have affairs. But I see Ketu here and Ketu is like the break so the person does not get into trouble. 

I see Jupiter in the sign of Moon. I think this is a wealth yoga. Also per Jaimini this is a combination for writing. I see many planets in angles and that is good because that means actions, lots of energy. The 10th lord is exalted in the 2nd house, the house of resources. If you have a strong 2nd house that means you get to keep what you make from the 11th house. 

I will say that i have all sort of avasthas going on in my chart in the 7th house similar to this and i don't think things cancel each other out. They all will happen at some point or another or Dasa dependent they will play out. The person will experience all of these feelings sometime at the same time, sometime at different time. That is just my opinion anyway....



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Wow, thank you for this thorough analysis. So kind of you to take the time and also share your experience.

I was aware of the positive avasthas, but wanted to zero in on the contrast between the worst avastha (shame) and best (the proud avastha of the dispositor) and how they relate.

Thamks for sharing all those insights about the yogas, too.

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I would basically see Ju here as a positive in terms of avasthas. Meaning, that the overall conditions of the 1st/7th axis has its difficulties but there is some degree of a buffer.  I have noticed if a planet is starved and its lord is also starved significantly, than that first planet is in a tougher condition. Like Ma in Gemini while Me is in Cancer. 

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@scott-m-19 Thanks, Scott. That was my impression as well.

Amit Bhat
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You have to do some maths and see if delight in 7th house is more than shame. Just see LA table and how to use it based on LA courses. If more, the person is on auto pilot mode to work out the shame. If no, the shame is going to hit the person over and over again until the person transmutes their shame consciousness from their DNA! Tough lesson in the evolution of the soul.

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@amit Yes, I had if course looked at the other avasthas of the shamed planets as well. My question was more about the role of the final dispositor though, which I don't remember being covered in the class.

Amit Bhat
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Final dispositor shows the movement of energy in the varga. So, if exalted Jupiter is final dispositor, that's where the person will go while passing through everything else. So, nothing will cancel but shame/agitation will be a station on the road towards happiness. But if the shame/agitation are not overcome in LAs, it will be a station where the person will need to spend a lot of time to fix them before they can really enjoy exalted happiness of Jupiter alone. 

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@amit Thanks! That was actually super helpful. I think I understand it now.
