Aries in 6th house ...
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Aries in 6th house and chronic illness?

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I heard that the 6th house is related to chronic illness. I have Aries in my 6th house and very much appreciate some thoughts/feedback on how this can relate to specific illness.

There is this general weakness in my body such as significant loss of physical strength, issues with cervical and thoracic spine being weak and bones shifting, digestive issues, chronic pain widespread, and also vascular issues with blood flow, basically blood pooling in the feet/ankles with edema.

I eat really clean, mostly organic, grass fed beef, bathe in clean filtered water, exercise several times per week am doing emotional and spiritual work to release childhood trauma, take a high level of responsibility/accountability in my life and actions, environment is just myself so it is peaceful, etc. So I feel like I am proactive in all these aspects, though something is apparently missing as the older I get (currently 45) the more my body is suffering/seemingly deteriorating.

I attached my chart (DOB 1/22/1979 12:40am Bronx NY) what is indicated in it or may be related to these illnesses?

- J

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If its helpful:
Birth card 6 Diamonds
Planetary card Ace Diamonds
Karma Card 9 Clubs
Cosmic Lesson Card 3 Spades

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The fact that your 6th house is Aries should not bother you. The 6th house is rather our capacity for healing, rather than sickness itself. Also, with no afflictions there it shouldn´t cause any problems at all.

There are basically two troublesome positions in your chart from what I can see: The Sun/Mars conjunction in the 4th house, putting stress on both. Mars is your lagna lord, a self factor representing the body itself, so that´s a bad thing. Also it´s the 6th lord, lowering your capacity for fighting back against the illness. I would recommend you to strengthen Mars by using a gemstone or two.

Sun is also very low in DigBala. Sun´s is agni, life force, the fire that burns away impurity, and with a weak Sun, stressed by a cruel planet and in low dignity - well, I think that is the main source of what you are experiencing.

So a gemstone for Sun should be helpful too.

And then you have a stressful Sa/Ra conjunction in Virgo, which could explain your digestion problems. Saturn is in charge of chemistry in the small intestine - the alacaline solutions, enzyms etc, and Virgo represents the body segment in which we find  the small intestine.

For a more profound study one would have to look at your Trimsamsa chart, D30, too. A quick glanse shows that much of the stress on Sun and Mars carries over there, unfortunately, and Saturn is in bad shape too.

Perhaps, since it´s the emotional 4th house that is afflicted, much of what you describe has an emotional root. I would recommend Bach flowers too. And of course meditation and mantras; general spiritual practice.

Aquarius, I forgot to mention, represents the lower parts of the legs, so having an oedema there rhymes with the problematic Sun. Do you suffer from a weak heart? Low capacity for pumping the blood around?


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One more detail: The spine problem that you are mentioning and "bones shifting" - I guess it´s a problem with the ligaments rather than the bones itself? In that case it´s caused by your stressed Saturn, and you sould try a gemstone for that too.

Also for your stomach problem I would recommend you a good ayurvedic doctor. It sounds like too much Pita to me, to much fire - Saturn doesn´t like that. I would recommend you to reduce the meat. Also try astringent herbal medicines, like artemisia.


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@staffan It is possible there is a fascial or ligament component to this. Part of the issue is I removed all 4 of my 2nd molar teeth in 2016 and my health really took a turn then which indicates to me that I disrupted the jaw/tooth foundation for the skull to rest properly on the rest of the body.

Thus it may be creating more compression within my neck and rest of spine.

Interestingly, I took Artemisia in the past for a lyme disease protocol. 

Currently I'm in Invisalign to open up space between the teeth to create bridges or add implants to create a stronger tooth/jaw foundation to support the skull better, though that will take more than a year maybe 16 or so months to see what results come from that.

And I actually had a lot of physical problems prior to 2016 so something underlying is definitely going on that I'm working to get more clarity on.

Thank you for your suggestions!

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@5diamondskingclubs Funny, you might believe me or not, but I was wondering about your teeth. Since your Mars is combust and Mars has to do with teeth. So: check.

Not so funny what you are telling, though. :-/

I just read this. Artimisia, yes. My favourite herb, I guess. I think we should all use it. If not for any other reason, for to eliminate heavy metals.


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@staffan Still relatively new to all this. Where and how would I check to see if there is any relation / indication some of this can be with the teeth?

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@5diamondskingclubs There is an audio course on medical astrology. But before taking that, I recommend you take a couple of basic courses, especially the Jyotish building blocks.

An afflicted Mars may indicate issues with the teeth. And since it´s your lagna lord, it´s even more probable.


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@staffan I see. I interpreted that the 6th house could be the cause of the health issues, yet its more like capacity for healing. Ok.

By lord, first time I'm hearing this termonology... is that the planet that rules that specific house?

Emotions are a possibility, my thoughts are its more of a structural problem with my neck or back causing compression on the vagas nerve affecting the stomach etc

I say possibility, yet I don't think is it because for the past 2 months I've engaged in many emotion code/body code healing energetic sessions addressing and removing all kinds of emotions, beliefs, statements, childhood wounds.

The interesting thing is that my peace of mind, anxiety, and just overall attitude has substantially, yet there has been no substantial physical change I can see or feel after all of these sessions.

So this has me questioning what the true roots are of the problems I am experiencing and I turned to astrology and the cards to see if there might be some insight there.

I'll review this message more to see if I can better understand it.

Thank you for these thoughts and insights!

Very much appreciated.

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@5diamondskingclubs Yes, the lord is the planet ruling that rasi. That sign.

As for improvement, it´s tricky, because often our emotional improvements manifest in the body, so in stead of getting better we get worse. Or so it seems. If you are working deeply on your emotions and your phsyical state get worse, I think you should see it as a positive thing, actually. Wait a few weeks or monts, and if it settles, well, then the healing worked out.

As Ernst explains it: The emotional body has no other outlet than the phsyical body, so any healing taking place in the emotional body tends to manifest in the physical body. This is perfectly normal and very very common. I´d say that it is what one would expect.


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@staffan Interesting. Basically like the emotions are releasing more into the body when they are worked out and are you thinking the body needs extended time to process them being removed?

I had a very traumatic childhood that I am working though, curses, ancestral stuff, entities, all kinds of dark energy and just nasty stuff, some going back 35 generations that we've uncovered thus far. Then there is my specific karma that we haven't even really gotten to. It's been a wild ride.

I'm sure this has had some impact on my physical health, its just that the overall physical symptoms I am dealing with are so unique that doctors have no idea what's going on with me that I wonder how much of a role emotions has compared to actual structural body issues that need to be addressed as well, hence the creating ym support for the skull. 

I am even pre diabetic and I'm 6'2 160 pounds with like maybe 10-12% body fat. and to answer your prior Q had multiple EKG's echocardiograms all check out fine yet for some reason blood to the legs and feet flows, yet does not return, its called May Thurner Syndrome. I've had it since 2019 though the past yeah its gotten substantially worse where my feet at one point from juicing celery a few months ago ballooned up to literally be twice the size they were.

So I'm really investigating all this to cover all angles, otherwise in all honestly I wouldn't have been around much longer, so I've got to start making some headway here soon before my body just says I'm done. 

Just being real here.

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@5diamondskingclubs Yes. When we don´t work on our emotions the body doesn´t manifest the problems, until it can´t hold it back and collapses, more or less. Cancer is often an expression of that. Denied emotions.

From a spiritual point of view all this is good news, of course. It´s finally coming out and manifesting. With that said, of course you have to get healthy and be around for yet a long time...

A couple of things:

- Unless you have a problem with blood clots (or cancer...) it´s highly recommended to have someone do a lymphatic dranage after having worked deeply with your emotions. Especially being prediabetic and fluid retencion. 

- As for the edema: if it feels like small needles in the morning, it´s most probably uric acid and related to your diet. If it´s more a sensitivity, even to the wind, it´s vascular celulitis, probably related to your prediabetes state. So says my wife who is a natural healer, one of the best out there I guess.


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@staffan Interesting, I didn't get notification of your reply yesterday. Yes, cancer is an interesting one that often has emotional ties. 

And while I appreciate your enthusiasm and positive mind, my body has been breaking down about 20 years now and its at a point now where if it continues it could potentially paralyze me or my body may just give in.

I am incredibly strong and resilient, yet am also battling this on my own like physically I mean, own care giver, sole income earner, etc. So had to take a hiatus from work and only have so much more time before I need to generate money again so lol.

I had a double jaw surgery at the end of 2023 that really set me back. I should have not had the surgery due to my conditions/hypersensitives yet I did it to test something and the surgeon botched the surgery so that's a big part of why I'm in this current condition as I was doing ok (getting healthier) prior to the surgery. 

No blood clots or cancers. So tell me more about the lymphatic drainage.

Ah now I see where your knowledge comes from. No pins and needles and I agree the uric acid is definitely a contributing factor, yet its more so salt or salt as well (which I eat none of, other than what is in meat, etc) though had a can of wild caught sardines just in water and my feet ballooned with almost immediately the other day. 

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@5diamondskingclubs Yeah, sorry, I didn´t mean to be insensitive. :-/ 

Honestly, if you are in such a bad situation, you should consider coming down to Chiapas, Mexico and see Lupita, my wife. She has 15 years of experience working as a chiropractic, acupuncturist, reflexologist. SHe works with stones, magnets and what not, besides having a  degree in farmaceutical chemistry. So she makes her own herbal extracts, some of which Ernst has tried and approved; you may ask him about his experience. Lupita is also the sweetest person on earth and she´s inexpensive - especially for someone used to the US prices. She never charges more because someone can afford it, and the traditional healing part of her duty is donation based; clensing with herbs, eggs, the traditional Mexican way. Her grandmother was a herbalist and a healer, of course. Mexico...

As for the lymphatic drainage; your weak Sun means that it´s hard for your body to keep residues and toxic stuff away from you blood stream. A strong Sun burns it away. Also Saturn is in charge of getting rid of those same things, and it´s in a bad shape too, so it´s a double whammy. A lymphatic drainage does exactly that - helps us to get rid of accumulated toxic and residues. So that is perhaps the first thing I´d recommend you to do.


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@staffan Oh, you weren't insensitive at all. Just wanted to give an idea of what was going on. Its been progressive and I don't know anyone who takes care of themselves to the degree I do, that is also in this type of health situation, its really wild. 

Travel at the moment is not currently an option. Thank you very much for the invite. I was at Playa De Carmen 15 1/2 years ago, in 2009. How far are you guys from there?

Yeah one of my issues is detoxing things out of the body, it appears very challenging, I've attempted just about every detox and health modality there is in the past 15 years and have both MTHFR genetic snips, yet not sure how much that matters and I have some HLA markers as well so for a time there I thought it was chronic lyme or chronic mold, though still unsure about that.

Are you saying Saturn is in a bad spot because its in the 11th house with Rahu or is it the degree its in?

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@5diamondskingclubs Because it´s with Rahu. It´s stressed. But fortunately that doesn´t repeat in the D30 chart, which indicates health and illness. So I´m not sure how much of Saturn´s stress is actually leading to sickness. But the Sun is kopi - stressed - by Mars in the sign of Saturn, and Mars is kopi too... And it repeats in the D30. So all together, that´s the picture I get. 

Again: astringent food would be helpful. Anything bitter after a meal: artimisa (wormwood) for example. 

No, we don´t live close to Playa del Carmen. We are right at the border to Guatemala, on the Pacific coast. Tapachula. A forgotten corner of the world.


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@staffan I also wonder if this has anything to do with past life trauma / past life health. Is it true the 12th house holds information about this?

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@staffan Being that your wife is a chiropractor you can mention this to her.

I have atlantoaxial instability. My C1 slips regularly and I think this is due to the removal of the 2nd molars.

I have been hyperkyphotic with serious forward head posture for about 30 years so these 2 aspects are definitely intertwined in one another.

I also have pretty severe compression in my cervical spine again likely from the removal of 2nd molars, there is a basis that when teeth are removed especially as I am missing all 4 wisdom and all 4 2nd molars that the skull sinks onto the body, thus compressing the neck.

So this is why I am so focused on moving the teeth, building up the teeth, raising the lower jaw upward, etc.

I also think this relates to the blood pooling in some way in the feet the varicose veins edema etc because the vagas nerve and other cranial nerves are also likely being compressed.

I have been adjusted almost 1000 times in the past 15 years and when my teeth are better supported I don't go out as much or as often, etc. 

Do you follow that line of thinking? Let me know if any clarity on the above is needed.

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@5diamondskingclubs Yep, I´ll ask her.

Doesn´t sound much fun, that´s for sure. :-/


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@staffan I attached an image to the prior post Moreno Conte of the company Starecta talks about this in detail and attached here this is his before and after of lifting his teeth/bite after 1 year. Keep in mind he was in his 20s and fully grown when he took these images 🙂

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@5diamondskingclubs Looks as if you are in good hands though. Lupita just nods an confirms everything that you say. You seem to have good knowledge of what is going on. 


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@staffan Good to know thank you. I guess relating to the astrology how does one address these things though.

like if you have challenges such as with Rahu, Ketu, planets in same houses, how does one then do things to minimize the effects of these astrological elements?

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@5diamondskingclubs There are many ways. On the psychological/emotional plane it´s good just to know and understand what´s going on. Like Ra/Sa, a conjunction I have my self: Sometimes we behave like fainting goats in a swing. Big deal. Accept the fail and move on.

Bach flowers help for anxiety and in case of nervous breakdowns.

Gemstone therapy.


As one girl/woman suggested on the forum the other day: introduce the lacking element in one´s life. 

And then, especially for the lajjitaadi avasthas (look it up): pondering on what it means and change the attitude/strategy/expectance.



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Have you considered gout as a possible cause for your edemas? That, again, is related to a meat dominated diet. Too much uric acid in your blood. Age related. You should have it tested on a lab. Level of uric acid in your blood.


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@staffan See prior reply. I do think this is quite possible, though have had the return blood flow issue diagnosed in 2019

Ernst Wilhelm
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6th house is disease tha tis treatable, accidents that heal. 8th house is chronic disease and accidents that don't heal, so a broken leg that leaves a person having issues, etc. 

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@ernst So a kopi Saturn in mediocre dignity (N) aspecting the 8th cusp to 53 varupas (planetary) should be considered as a main cause to illness in this case, I suppose?

I know this is basic knowledge, but with so much around to study - LAs, PAC, remedies and other stuff that fits in with the cards as well, sometimes it´s hard to find the time to get into the basic chart reading as one should...


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