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Bodily Weight retention and energetics

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While listening to the rashi sutra audio coarse, Ernst makes the comment that one can gain or lose weight on the basis of planetary energies, and that often it is a misbalance of this when one is substaintially over weight. I am curious if anyone can go into detail about it, as I cant find it in the manual for the rashi sutras course, nor other manuals. It is something about Pitta, Kapha and Vata, but neither this, or anything in the medical astrology coarse go into this in any detail.

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I, too, would LOVE more info on this!  

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(@Anonymous 30058)
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Hi @Uunarim,

Pitta, Kapha, Vatta are part of Ayurveda science. Ayurveda is a science of eating, living based on your distinct nature. 

 There are three major types of Doshas (nature),

Pitta (fire), Kapha (water), Vatta(Air).  

These doshas plays an important role in how you think, behave, your body structure, etc. In traditional Ayurveda setting, people used to eat according to their nature and stay healthy.

For weight gain, generally Kapha is more dominant. More water and earthy element is there. They are generally very beautiful and sweet, calm people. 

Generally, Jupiter is associated with Kapha element. Like, if a person is Capricorn Lagna with Jupiter in 1st house, with no aspect of fire planets, person will easily gain weight. Moon, venus are other water based planets. 

Pitta issues: Where as, Sun, Mars in Leo lagna, person will tend to have fire problems, like excessive anger outbursts, pimples, high blood pressure, etc. Transit of Mar, Sun over lagna will further aggravate it.

Vata issues: example, Saturn, Rahu in Gemini lagna, person will tend to have air problems, like excessive gas in the body. The person will have fast thoughts and will not know how to have a clear mind. 

So, for each dosha, certain herbs, foods are considered good and help to bring back the body in balance.

Different tastes are also divided into groups and recommended based on doshas. Like Kapha people are given a bit spicy food to balance it where as Pitta people are recommended to eat a bit sweet. 

You can read an Ayurveda book for more information. 


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@ruchi Ernst specifically linked it into the planetary influences, and hence elvis ballooning around 1970, which I remember him specifically saying. This said, he also linked it to bhava strengths with ones house make up and the inherent striving for balance with that. I am just curious if you have had any experience trying to remedy weight with house balancing via say gem remedies? I havent seen that addressed their, so I am trying to understand it with my own chart. mars is my first lord, so in theory I should be thin and skinny, however Ernst only mentions this in passing, and doesnt go into any detail about it, even in the medical coarse, at least in the manual.

(@Anonymous 30058)
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Gem remedies are powerful so they can only be prescribed by looking at complete chart.

ROOT CAUSE; Generally, if jupiter is transiting over 1st house or 7th house, direct aspect over lagna or rasi aspect over lagna, it can cause weight gain. Currently, based on tropical, jupiter is in aries, so maybe that is the reason. As you mentioned mars is your 1st lord. Even if you are scorpio, rashi aspect on lagna of transit Jupiter will be there.

Just giving you some basic tips for health 🙂 as you are seeking some solutions.

Gold is associated with Jupiter and wearing Gold increases its energy. if you are wearing gold as jewellery and currently if you dont need financial abundance, happiness that as a high priority, removing gold from your body for a while will help and wearing a bit black clothes (saturn energy).

Most important, lack of awareness is what causes weight gain. Living with awareness gives natural bliss too. Be 100 percent with whatever you are doing. All your senses in the present moment. During eating, shut down all electronics, work, games and eat with full awareness, chewing 100 percent and weight will automatically go normal. When you crave sweet, go for fruits instead of artificial foods but if you are really craving junk, eat it with full awareness and slowly the temptation will fall off. Eat once in a day that triggers autophagy in the body and makes your body heal and brain to be happy. 



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Alright, if jupiter transiting the 1st or 7th is a problem for this, what in theory might be a gem remedy for this problem? A mars or perhaps ketu gemstone for ones lagna and 7th lord or 7th house? Since the stomach is also ruled by leo and the sun, perhaps a black ketu stone to formulate a sense of loss? I dont think gold is the problem with me as I dont historically wear it. I just dont understand why I have the sudden high apetite in the past year. This of course is based off of the zodiacal understanding of the body, and its not entirely conclusive.


One user made the comment that if the moon is impacted by Saturn and or Rahu, that this will usually create a Vata Kapha imbalance if this helps.

(@Anonymous 30058)
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@uunarim If you like, you can get a consult from Ernst or astrologer of your choice who can look at your chart holistically. Complete chart needs to be looked. 

Gems do work but than they can bring other problems too. So, very good understanding of gems and astrology is needed. 

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I am speaking in general, please stop trying to ask me to go to one, as is the point of this forum. This said, if you can give me the hook up with Ernst, I would make it worth your while.

(@Anonymous 30058)
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@uunarim haha..ok. I am sorry. I didn't know it is hard to get an appointment with Ernst. I managed to talk to him due to Kala software issues. So, you need to have software problems. 🙂

I think just study more. Lot of information here. There is a course on gem remedies by him. It will probably take me 10 years to finish all his material, it is so much. 🙂

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When the Moon is impacted by Saturn and or Rahu, that usually creates a Vata Kapha imbalance.  I’m not sure if Ernst mentioned this in the course that you’re referring to, but the idea is that the constriction of Vata on the Moon (Kapha) that when the Dasa comes that triggers that to express, the person blows up like a balloon. It happened with Elvis Presley (among many others) and I’ve seen this when I study charts. I’m curious to see if one rasi in particular would do it without the planetary yogas. Perhaps if they trigger the same elemental imbalance. 

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@suzanstars Ernst makes only a mention of it in a brief comment on it with respect to house strengths and energetic imbalances. Since you have studied it in charts, are you able to tell what would remedy it? A gem for instance? I am not quite sure how this works, but that said, my moon and saturn are both in the zodiacal signs jupiter rules, but they are apart.

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@uunarim I just pulled up Elvis’ chart again and realized that I had studied it before based on the sidereal lahiri ayanamsha. Now that I use the tropical rasis, I’m seeing different things. I’ve looked at what influenced the 1st cusp (Saturn gives it almost a whole’s got 51 virupas and the moon is the next with only 16 virupas). Also looked at what influence the lagna lord receives in this case Jupiter again the most is from Saturn and moon. So, you also need to study the D30. For these factors. 

to answer your question: if you have a strong mars then a gem remedy can work otherwise, it wouldn’t be what you would focus on. Study your influences to the 1st, and lagna lord in both the D1 and the trimsamsa. Also look at the influence to your AK. I came across somewhere in my notes that according to Jaimini, the three signs that can lead to stoutness are Gemini, Virgo and Cancer. So, if these are being impacted the your self indicators, that would lead to such imbalance. Hope this helps! 

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@suzanstars I an just curious, i see people often change ayanumsha or go from sidereal to tropical quite often. Ernst does it in is own old lessons, using sidereal lahiri to galactic. What makes people change? Does it have an impact on interpreting what is going on with elvis? Im open to both systems.

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@uunarim I can only speak for myself based on personal experience. When I was reading charts based on the lahiri ayanamsa, I was failing using the techniques that I learned. I only hit when tuning in psychically and using intuition only and focusing more on the nakshatras, but then I started playing around with the tropical rasis, and the techniques that were failing for me worked so much better. I was convinced because I didn’t have to rely so much on my intuition anymore and could apply things more scientifically, which is one of the reasons I wanted to focus on astrology in the first place.

Using solely our intuition for readings depletes our spiritual energy (my experience-I made a YouTube video explaining this if you’re interested). It was a good thing that I was open to exploring different options. But, I will say this, I became the outcast in the Vedic Astrology world due to my choice and I’m constantly having to explain why I changed how I read charts. Long answer to say, it works better for me. I’m not really interested in proving myself, thankfully (but I did have issues with this before when I was seeking to be validated by my peers…that just becomes too exhausting!) so, all I can say is try it out for yourself and see if the techniques that you learned and use work better. 

I’m sure that Ernst has ton of material explaining why he chose to use the tropical rasis with the sidereal nakshatras on his website. And also other astrologers like Ryan Kurscak, Vic DiCara and MANY others. ????

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@suzanstars Where is it that he explains that one used sidereal for nakshatras and tropical for rashi? Vedic in tropical is a rather controversial point with Ernst, and one I am not familiar with. To me, both are true in a way, as if a sort of ghosting is happening.

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(@Anonymous 30058)
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Artha based Rasis, Tauras, Virgo, Capricorn. 
