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A person close to me suffers from a virus infected cervix, a cervicitis that may develop into cancer. She has been recommended an operation, or even to remove the whole matrix. Not an option.

So: gems, right food and mantras...

Now, what planets are in charge of the cervix? The body area is indicated by Libra, obviously. Pelvis triangle. The Uterus is a muscle tissue. Saturn. It is a container with walls. Mercury. The Cervix itself is a gateway. Mercury again. Sexual connotations - should Venus and Mars be taking into account? We are in Jupiter´s realm: creativity, children. Virus infection: Ketu.

(She has Jupiter conjunct Mars, Saturn and Ketu in Virgo , seems to be in the 5th house (not sure about her lagna). Her 6th house seems to be Libra. Mercury in the 8th house, Sagitarius, seemingly indicating a fall from her femininity that she´s very much identified with. It´s her svamsa.)

Any thoughts about this?

(Oh, and a general question: are Taurus lagna people more prone to disease than others, due to the innate connection between the 6th and the 1st through ruling Venus?)

Best regards

