Heart Attack as see...
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Heart Attack as seen from D1 and D30

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Posts: 93
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(@Anonymous 21669)
Joined: 4 years ago

Two days ago I was shocked to hear that my brother had a heart attack. To be honest I had not studied his chart extensively and since he was extremely "healthy" other than knee issues, I did not think to look at in light of potential health issues. Looking at it today, it is very obvious.  Heart issues do not run in my family unless it is beyond my Grandparents, so perhaps I will look at the D12 and see if there is anything there.

Birth data for case study if interested; 28 December 1959, 12:01, Tempe, AZ USA 

D1: Lagna is 29:45 Pisces w/ Ketu 1st house - Rahu in Virgo he has a Kala Sarpa yoga and is running Rahu/Venus Vimshottari and Gemini Caranavamsa (4th bhava) and where Rahu happens to be right now. His AK is Venus in Sc, Libra is 8th but the 8th cusp is joined Venus in Scorpio. MO/ME/JU/MA all in Sag w/ 9th and 10th cusps. SA and Sun conjunct in Cap/11th. I was aware of the knee issues, but when this came up and I looked at it --- WOW obvious!

D30: Pisces Lagna 21:41 so Rasi Bhava's are same, Sun is exalted in this varga and cusps 3 & 9 with it. Mars is in 7th Virgo with cusp 4 & 10, and the AK/Venus in 8th Libra w/Jupiter no cusps joining. The 2nd & 8th cusp is in Aquarius the 12th bhava with Ra/Ketu. 

*Just learned from another family member that my Sis in-law's, father died the same day as her husband had the heart attack. I hope to get her chart, it would be very interesting to see what triggered these events. My best guess is the eclipse in Gemini last month or the RA/Ketu transits. I don't know her lagna but her Sun is in Virgo and I would wager a guess she has a Gemini lagna, extremely skilled with her hands.

