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Planet/Sign associations

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Hi Ernst and all, 

I am jumping ahead a bit here without having taken the Medical astrology course, but it's the New Moon and I have started working on a new concept (new to me) with regards to health, and looking for additional information. 

Has anyone including Ernst linked chemicals like oestrogen or testosterone or dopamine etc to any of the planets or signs? 


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There are associations and complications.  Planet for endocrine system but then inside the endocrine system each part governed by a different planet.  Then there are the 5 elements which will impact hormones in thier own way along with meridians and the organs attributed to the planets.  Then for health considerations D30 has to be dealt with.  Whatever your trying to persue health-wise will most likely be greatly benefited from taking the course or at least reading the manual.  Really think you'll be happier that way.

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Great, thanks. I have been focused on understanding mental health and issues associated with them. It then flowed into understanding emotional and energetic health issues. It has now evolved into its association with physical health. So it's good to know where to start pulling in information. 

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@quasar259 Where do you get this information at?

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Hi Manisha,

This is a post by Lada Duncheva, who is primarily a Western astrologer. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it might be helpful:

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@francesca-2 she talks about Saturn starving a planet in the post, my scholarship is not so vast but I haven't seen that terminology used outside Lajjitaadi Avasthas, have you?

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Is that in the same post as Venus-Jupiter? I can’t seem to find it.

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This is perfect, just what I was looking for. It confirms my hypotheses. Thanks. I wonder if she has covered other planets/signs similarly.

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@manisha I'm glad you found this helpful.

I'm not sure if she's covered anything else.

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Lada studied with Ernst a long time ago, but has since added a lot of Western techniques to her repertoire. I'm fairly certain she knows about the LAs. She does draw from a lot of other sources though. That's why I said she is primarily a Western astrologer :).
