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Rasis and body parts

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in Astrological Anatomy and Nutrintion course are described the body parts attributed to all rashis. Where should these descriptions be used?  D1(only)? or also D30? tks!

Aries, the head, is where we get our inspiration from, the
inspired thoughts and ideas we hope to achieve. It is also were we
get our focus from. Aries is, therefore, inspired and focused. Aries
has the simple pleasure of understanding that it must simply do
what is in its thoughts. Thoughts regularly change and so also focus,
thus Aries is a changeable, or moveable Rasi, but one that is
intensely focused nonetheless.
On account of ruling the head section of the Figure of Time,
the wellbeing of the organs, glands and body parts placed in the
head area are dependent upon the condition of Aries. This includes
the skull, brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus and hair.
The Sankrit word used in the Sutra is Anana, which literally
means mouth. Anana, refers to the mouth and its passage of the
throat as well as, for our purposes, the surrounding areas of the face
and neck. Taurus thus holds many of the important organs and
glands such as the eyes, nose and sinuses, parathyroid, thyroid and
thymus. Additionally, Taurus is also responsible for the mouth,
tongue, teeth, salivary glands, tonsils, cheekbones, jaw, larynx, the
seven cervical vertabrea and the upper portions of the esophagus
and trachea.
The face is where the important sense organs are located and so
Taurus gives the capacity for pleasure. The primary function of the
senses, however, is to alert us to the dangers of the environment
and thereby keep us alive. More importantly, the face contains the
mouth through which we take in nourishement and the mouth,
together with the nose, allow us to take in that most necessary
ingredient for life – air. Taurus, therefore, most essentially
represents that which nourishes and so keeps us alive.
Gemini, the arms, gives the capacity to take that which is in our
environment and work and create with it. Gemini, therefore,
represents skills and abilities and the tools with which to create or
to destroy.
All those organs, glands and body parts located in the arm area
are dependent upon the condition of Gemini, namely the shoulders,
collarbones, scapula, arms, hands, upper lungs, the first four
thoracic vertebrae and the lower portions of the esophagus and
The breast is where we experience emotions. The Sanskrit word
used in the Sutra for breast is Hrit, which also means the heart as
the seat of feeling and emotions. A large portion of the lungs are
also contained in the breast area and the first reaction to an emotion
is a change in breath, Cancer, therefore, is not only where we
expericnce emotions, but also where we react to emotions.
Compare Cancer, where we experience and react to emotions to
Aries where we experience inspirations and react by thinking. Aries
is where we experience our changeable thoughts, Cancer (which is
also a moveable Rasi) is where we experience our changeable
The wellbeing of all the organs and body parts located in the
breast area are all dependent upon Cancer. This includes the heart,
lower lungs, sternum, breasts, diaphragm, the middle four thoracic
vertebrae and the ribs surrounding the heart.
The abdominal cavity is where the majority of the vital organs
are located – the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen and gall bladder,
along with two important glands that have an important role in our
energy levels – the pancreas and adrenals. On account of ruling
more vital energizing organs than any other Rasi, Leo is the sign of
vitality and, by extension, the personality strength of self-esteem
and confidence.
Leo also contains the ribs below the sternum and the last four
thoracic vertebrae.
Virgo represents the hip area, which is the area from the top of
the hipbone down to the insertion point of the femur. This area
includes the girdle area where the intestines are located. The
intestines are primarily responsible for assimilation of what is useful
to the body while leaving that which is not useble – a very
developed trait of Virgo. This trait is often seen in relationships of
those with healthy Virgo qualaites – they are able to enjoy the good
qualaties of a person, while not involving themselves with any
undesireable qualaties which that person may possess. They simply
leave the undesirable qualaties to sort themselves out as they may.
This quality makes Virgo one of the best of friends and one of the
reasons that Mercury, which rules friends, is exalted in Virgo.
Seventy percent of diseases have their source in the large
intestine, thus Virgo is the Rasi of disease and afflicted planets in
Virgo quickly become disordered.
The lumbar vertebrae of the spine also fall into the Virgo area.
This is the most commonly injured or strained part of the spine.
The two areas of most common physical troubles, the large
intestine and lumbar, are both contained in Virgo, which reveals
that Virgo is the Rasi that reveals our weaknesses. The weaknesses
that Virgo reveals are not “bad” things, but weaknesses that are
simply in need of development and growth, just as the young girl,
which symbolizes Virgo, has not reached her physical maturity and
Libra represents the pelvic triangle, which holds the bladder, the
rectum (which begins atop the bladder and continues down to the
anus), the internal reproductive organs, ovaries in women and the
prostrate in men. The area of the five fused vertebrae of the sacrum
as well also fall under Libra’s domain. The bladder and rectum hold
that which has no value to the body and that of which the body is
going to be rid. In contradiction, the sacrum, Latin for sacred bone,
symbolizes that which is most sacred or most valuable. Libra,
therefore, most essentially represents knowing what to let go of and
what is not desirable and the keeping of that which is valuable. This
quality makes Libra the most successful businessman and capable of
the best decisions. Libra also represents those sacred things for
which we are willing to make sacrifices – because it is worthwhile to
do so.
On account of ruling the part of the body that contains the
internal reproductive organs, libra symbolizes creation and growth
through interchange.
Scorpio represents the external sexual organs and the anus.
These are the vulnerable organs that are not protected or
strengthend by bone or surrounded by flesh. Scorpio thus
represents vulnerabilities and the attempt to protect that which is
The buttocks are the largest muscles in the human body and the
most responsible muscles for moving the body in walking and
running. Scientists have concluded that the one physical advantage
that man has over other land “animals” are these large muscle that
allow man to travel longer distances than other creatures. Any
animal can beat a human in short distances, but in long ultra-
marathon distances a healthy and fit human can outrun any animal
and cross more miles in a single day than any other land species.
(Unfortunately, few of us are as fit as we are meant to be!) Since the
muscles of the buttocks are most responsible for moving our
bodies, they are responsible for our direction and purpose, which
are ruled by Sagittarius. Man’s purposes are long-term and defined
as compared to the purpose of an animal whose purpose is
immediate and instinctive, thus man has better developed buttocks
and the ability to continue a course for a much longer time than an
Sagittarius also rules the coccygeal vertabrea of the tailbone.
The purpose of a tail is to maintain balance while moving. In man
the tailbone is short and has no effect on maintaing physical
balance, but it does symbolize the idea of balance, the idea that
one’s purpose must be in balance with a greater purpose.
Sagittarius, therefore, represents one’s phiolosophy and beliefs,
which serve to keep one in balance.
The word used in the Sanskrit Sutra for thighs is Janu, which is
often incorrectly translated as knees. Janu meaning thighs is
confirmed by the ancient system of measurements that referenced
lengths to body parts. In the this system a Janu was thirty-two
Angulas, which equals 56.6 centimeters, the length of a thigh in a
tall man, and certainly not the length of a knee. The Knees
themselves are simply the junction between the bone of the thigh
and the bones of the shanks. Capricorn rules the part of the knee
that is the bottom of the thighbone while the part of the knee that
is the top of the shanks is ruled by Aquarius.
When looking at the body it would appear as if the thighs were
doing all of the work in moving the body, while in actuality, it is the
muscles of the buttocks that are doing most of the work. The thighs
will get tired and sore before the buttocks, even though they are not
duing as much work because they are so much weaker than the
buttocks and not as mechanically efficent. Similarly, Capricorn
believes that it is doing all the work and that it is so responsible for
what happens, though in actually it is not, even though it feels the
pain of its “efforts.”
In the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, prince Duryodhana thought
that his actions could give him the throne, he thought that he was
responsible for what life would give him, but no matter how he
tried, the throne belonged to the eldest Pandu and he could no way
get it for himself. Durydhana had a boon that he could not be
defeated, except by having his thigh broken, which symbolized the
end of his believing that he was responsible and could make life
happen according to his plans. Capricorn similarly thinks it is
responsible for what happens and has its plans frustrated until one
learns to practice the first stage of Karma Yoga, the renunciation of
the fruits of one’s actions and the realization that it is not one’s
immediate actions that make the difference in our lives, but rather
what God has planned for us, so we are best leaving what happens
up to God and simply fulfill the duties laid before us without any
attachements or expectations towards the results.
The shanks are the intermediary that connects the power put
forth through the thighs with the feet that provide stability and
balance. Capricorn and the thighs, as has been mentioned, represent
the idea of doing and acting. Pisces and the feet, as will be discussed
next, represent loss of what one thinks and the gaining of
understanding. Aquarius, being the shanks, is thus the bridge
between one’s actions and understanding. How many truly
understand their actions? How often do we think we are doing
something for one reason only to find that we were really motivated
by a completely different reason? It is Aquarius that determines
how much of our actions we truly understand.
Aquarius represents how secure we are with our individuality. A
person who is secure with his individuality, who has accepted his
pluses and minues, his strengths and weakness, only such a person
is able to understand why he is doing something. A person who is
insecure with their individuality and who has not accepted
themselves as they are will always experience a feeling of lack and
will thus always try to compensate for this lack. In compensating
for their lack, they will want one thing without even knowing it
while beleving that they want something else and so they will never
understand why they are doing what they are doing.
Aquarius has within it the ability to see itself as a creation of
God as it becomes psychologically healthy and free from the natural
psycoligical complexes that plague man. Whereas Capricorn must
learn the 1st stage of Karma Yoga of renouncing the material fruits
of one’s actions, Aquarius must learn the 2nd stage of Karma Yoga,
which is renouncing what other’s think about us and what others
think about what we do, which only a secure individuality that has
completed accepted itself can do.
The feet are as far from the organ of thinking, the brain as
possible, thus the feet represent loss of understanding. The body of
the Zodiac is, however, a circle and thus Pisces is actually the
closest to Aries and thus the Piscean feet represent the loss of what
one thinks they know which is replaced by what one truly
The feet are that which we stand upon and as such the feet
represent the understanding that we can really rely or “stand” upon.
Aries and the brain represent the understanding we think we have,
but will it hold up? Only Pisces can tell, the understanding of Pisces
is the real thing. Thus we have the idea of, “landing on one’s feet,”
conveying the idea of making a mistake but all turning out okay.
Pisces represents the 3rd stage of Karma Yoga, the renunciation
of how we feel about ourselves. Even if we have renounced the
material fruits that Capricorn seeks and the psychological fruits of
the validation of those others surrounding us that Aquarius seeks,
that one even thinks of oneself must still be renounced before one
can transcend their current understanding.

7 Replies
Posts: 41
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thank you for this summary!????

Amit Bhat
Posts: 885
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Joined: 5 years ago

Issues in rasis in D1 means they will be part of our path, D30 means they will part of our psychological health issues which need to be fixed

Posts: 57
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The question is simple that:

How can this information be practically applied?

if this information does not find an applicability, being the theme the body they become empty in (medical) practice.


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Amit Bhat
Joined: 5 years ago

Noble Member
Posts: 885


You can find psychological issues or pathology through d30 that needs healing and help the person. Through d1 also you find issues but those issues lead them somewhere also may be connect them with some inspiration for a job or may be they are at bed rest and learn say philosophy.

So you can find these issues and help with baach flowers or gems.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

You can use it in all vargas as  needed. It helps in discovering the location of body ailments. so most practically used in D1 and D30

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Do you ascribe to astrologers also utilizing bhavas for body parts (like 1st is head, 2nd face ect.), or do you ascribe to only using rasis for looking at body parts??

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