Skin Eruptions / Ra...
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Skin Eruptions / Rash

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Hello Friends,

Very specific question; is there a way from the chart/aspects/dasa to find the actual CAUSE of health concern?  Is it best to analyze this from D1, D30 a combo or perhaps prasna? 

I am trying to figure out the offensive trigger to a skin issue. I am aware that one needs to consider, Mercury/Gemini/Virgo but what I'm asking is the concrete origin such as; food, mold, environmental toxin, virus etc. Yes, I want to figure out my own issue, but wondering best way to consider a chart when someone is struggling with a "mystery" affliction. How would you go about it?




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Since I have been afflicted by this, but I cant see your diet, the symple solution is to start by elminating as muc as you can, all the refined sugar in your diet, followed by fungal cleansing via vinegar, vitamin c, NAC, etc. NAC in particular, as skin eruptions also mean an unhappy liver, which can be helped via milkthistle. 


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@uunarim Yes! As a general rule I don't eat much sugar and have been on a "traditional GF" diet for about 6 years. But have fallen into a trap of eating those plant based protein bars - so sugar or alternative sugars.   

Also, just ordered some NAC - forgot milk thistle so have to head over to the HFS.  Also, trying to did a Vit C flush on weekend and upped my daily intake. 

Thank you for your kind reply.


Ernst Wilhelm
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While the signs of mercury are most significant in removing the toxic load through the skin, the final healing of any disease is always through the skin, so when there are skin issues, its really great as it shows the body is doing a good job and so it's very important to let the body finish that and not disrupt the skin eruption with any medicines or cream.

To help complete what your body is doing make cilantro shakes, blend a lot of cilantro in water and drink that at least 2 times a day. have at least one big sprig of cilantro this way a day. Do that until its fixed. Usually 2 weeks to 3 months will do it depending on what is going on. One person who had an 'allergy" to the sun who could not go into sun even for a few minutes it took three months but that was a much more involved problem. Usually, it clears up much faster. 

Then eat food that does not contribute to the toxic load, starting with no sugar as Uunarim has stated. 




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  • @ernst any guidance about what "a lot" of cilantro is for each individual shake?
Ernst Wilhelm
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@quasar259 Half a sprig will make a good drink, have 2 or 3 of those a day. If the sprigs are really tiny, then one to a juice.

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@ernst thank you so much Ernst!

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@ernst Thank you VERY much, no sugar and will try the cilantro! Of course my home grown cilantro just went to seed ???? 


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This is interesting because I have been a raw vegan for almost 13 years and the only thing that helped was going on the Lion Diet...which is water, salt and meat from ruminate animals.  I was diagnosed with leaky gut which most likely came from the mold exposure that i experienced 2 years ago..and then getting covid twice (no jabs).  I am really totally turned upside down about diet and what we should be eating for different ailments.  I was so desperate that I ended up trying this diet after I exhausted everything else.  My symptoms have cleared and I lost about 20 lbs.  Now I am reintroducing plants.  

I think that I am under the spell of rahu because it forced me to do something I would otherwise have never dreamed of doing, eating meat.  

You can have a look at my chart and see what you think.  I couldn't figure it out.  I went to Mercury signs and checked out Jupiter and couldn't find anything.  I definitely missed something.

January 22,1986 mission viejo, california 12:48am

But, when I was doing the cilantro thing, I was using half a bunch, as in the bunch that you can buy wrapped in the tie ties.  I was using organic cilantro as much as possible.  And then I would also juice it with celery and that's it.  Hope that helps.  

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And I forgot to mention that , Yes, I had horrible rashes...full body itching with sores.  It was horrible and I barely slept through the nights because i was so itchy

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@valen what made the high meat diet worth it really? I have been vegan for nearly a decade and have known people of all diets suffer from what we have. The only real reason meat can have higher nutrition is because animals are artificially injectioned with nutrients for that.

The only reason a lion diet would work is because it, like fasting has the effect of eliminating that which would feed fungal related problems, which is usually germanium related. Ernst saya cilantro, but I have had good workings with other items such as cinnamon and honey, raw essential oils that are normally considered unsafe, raw garlic  and in particular eliminating corn.

Corn is surprisingly toxic, it specifically promotes the bodily production of fungus and therefor i usually stay away from it, unless it is paired with something that would offset it like chips and quacamole.

Its also worth noting that eliminating alcohol from ones diet would also seriously help. The yeasty brewing combined with the high sugar, combined with grains and refined sugar is a particularly deadly trio.

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@uunarim Hi,

The meat only diet is an elimination diet, you are correct, and as for how it worked over all of the other stuff I did, I have no idea.  (And all the meat I eat is labeled as organic, no hormones or antibiotics or MSG ever.)  I don't really know the workings of it all because I have been a raw vegan for 13 years and only studied raw veganism.  RAW - meaning no cooked foods/processed foods at all.  I made my own nut milks, own treats, salads, smoothies, juices, etc.  There was no alcohol in my diet, no chips, no grains, no refined sugar, no corn, no gmo, no gluten, no fake meats/cheese, no animal products(obviously)....people called me 'beyond healthy'.  So, I really think I was stuck in something to do with Rahu that made me look to something else outside of that paradigm.  It was worth it, but now I am looking to get back into raw foods because I like the taste of those foods I ate and I notice that wounds don't heal quickly with an all meat diet, plus I get super tired if I don't eat at least twice a day.  Raw foods, I could go for extended periods of time with no food.  But that's besides the point.

I literally was having reactions to everything I ate, everything...for about 1.5 years after the mold exposure.  It came on slowly, first I became bloated and my tissues were waterlogged, puffy face and eyes, etc...then the rash came.  I tried breaking down biofilms, used garlic, honey, essential oils, spirulina, clays, charcoal, chlorella, enzymes, different combinations of healing smoothies, different food extracts.  I tried it all...except meat.  Which I now find hilarious. 

So, I'm not sure I answered your question, but I certainly only put my experience out there for others to hear because they might have the same issue with paradigms as I did.  Speaking to that...I feel a bit freer now because I can use ALL of what's available to me for healing as necessary.  Before, it could only come from plants.  I'm not saying those can't heal  people, I know they can as I am also an herbalist.  But now I see, for me, I give myself permission to eat in whatever way will help me.  I am grateful, truly, for all the life forms on this earth. 

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@valen Yes, I have a similar story and the rash since about mid-February. In my case they are similar to a bug bite and spread in various areas across body. They seem to come in clusters We have ruled out mites and microscopic insects not coming from bed or linens so that leaves only a few options. Also NOT "jabbed".

I've been considering the potential diet options also, I've been GF but realizing that there is gluten and other toxins in all grains as well as my beloved quinoa so will likely be grain free ASAP. As a person with type O- blood and a MT Sun in Leo in 2nd, maybe try a high meat diet, still a bit confused or apprehensive. Excited to add the cilantro shake too.

Thank you for your reply, I'll have a look at your chart and see if I notice anything.


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@ltreboot Hi!

Yes, Gluten is a serious problem and supposedly it takes a while for the effects of gluten to work themselves out of the body.  If you get yourself completely off gluten , you will probably notice great benefits early on, but it's recommended to take some key supplements to rebuild the small intestine.  I have them written down at home and can post them if you're interested.  Good luck with all of this!  I hope you resolve it.

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@valen would love to know about small intestine herbs

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@quasar259  I like to to use Marshmallow, slippery elm, licorice, aloe, mastic gum, mullein and okra.  These are used more for preventative measures than anything else I think, though, if you are having a real severe issue like leaky gut, many more supplements need to be involved.  It's a rabbit hole.  This is what I have come up with through my research.

If your gut is always inflammed, it can't heal no matter what herbs you seem to throw at it, so curcumin works well to help bring down that inflammation at first. 

The eliminative diet allows the immune system to calm down for a while and then toxins have to be round up and in the case of leaky gut, immunoglobulins are usually deficient, so supplementing with IgA would be beneficial to bind up toxins.  Charcoal also works well to do that too.  Proteolytic enzymes also help to digest old proteins, damaged cells, toxins and debris. I like Interfase Plus from Klaire labs.

Killing EBV, Herpes, shingles, h.pylori, etc. is important because these viruses all disrupt the mucous linings.  EBV hangs around in the body a lot longer than most doctors think it does and I don't think they can test for every strain either.  Monolaurin and mastic gum help to break down the lipid layer of those viruses and then the body does it's job to sweep them out.  I also took MegaSpore because it's undecylinic acid (roots out candida from mucuous linings) with monolaurin.  Great antiviral.  I didn't have to use colloidal silver or oregano oil with all of that, but if you felt you needed to, you could to target more viruses and bugs.

There are so many ideas about probiotics out there, you'd have to choose your own tools there, and then you might want to add a mushroom blend for stress management if you can tolerate it. 

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@valen this is great!  Will definitely put these things into practice.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@valen Do you know your blood type? And are you o type?

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@ernst Hi!  Sorry for the late reply, I was hiking the Grand Canyon. 

Yes, I am O+.  I've heard that O blood types crave meat, but I haven't really read into it yet.  Have you found that blood type affects diet long term? or vice versa?  I don't know much about it.

I've started to transition my diet to raw greens, berries and seeds and nuts that have/make complete proteins and it's been going well so far.  Haven't eaten meat for a week and I feel good. Hope I can continue with the raw foods now.

Ernst Wilhelm
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O types need more proteins, they do really bad on most grains. They are hardest to feed on a modern vegetarian diet because that has a lot of things that are not great in it. But that does not mean they have to eat meat. So look into it and see what few grains you can eat and what other foods support o type and mostly eat that as your regular diet. o also does not do great on dairy. 

