Hello all, had a question from a Mother this week, asking if I could determine the time a young girl might start her menstural cycle for the 1st time. She is concerned that the girl is going through puberty at a young age (10).
In my studies I don't recall coming across a technique that would show that, is there such a technique?
My first thought would be that it has something to do with Virgo. If no technique perhaps a prasna would be the better route.
Thanks for any insights.
Hello, I just read your post and I remembered that I read something in Brihat Jataka about menstrual cycle. I have to say that I dont have any experience and understanding about this topic. I just wanted to share that I read something. Maybe it helps you. I am not sure it helps to understand when the menstrual cycle happens for the first time. Here: ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/67mw3454jgogdp6/Brihat%20Jataka%202nd%20Ed.%20by%20V%20Subrahmanya%20Sastri.pdf?dl=0 ) is a link to download Brihat Jataka translated by Subrahmanya Sastri. Its Chapter 4. Kind regards