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Techniques to tell which body is strongest

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Hi All, 

I am interested in learning how to detect which body (mental, emotional, energetic, or physical) is strongest in a person.  Are there any videos describing that?


Thank you!

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Amit Bhat
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Mental is Sun

Emotional is moon 

Energetic is Mars

Physical is Saturn 

Lagna is body too

Deepatadi Avasthas will show how outer circumstances will affect them and lajjitadi avasthas will show how person's attitude will affect them.  

Low shad bala will show weakness.

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@amit This is gold, thank you.

My guru said that if energetic body is weak, the physical body will run itself ragged trying to keep up with maintaining itself but that if you keep the energetic body strong, it will take care of all the other bodies.  Do you find this to be accurate?

My Mars is strong in Scorpio, shad bala is high for both saturn and Mars.  Sun had low shad bala...I'm probably going to die in my 60's.  lol.

But moon has bad avashthas. 

I do Kriya 3x's a day but still have problems with water in my body, swelling under the eyes, lyphodema, etc (all moon related disorders), as well as problems with my mother, she's my biggest adversary, always attacking me.

Now I'm trying to find concrete ways to propitiate the moon, as well as work on my avashthas.

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@valen with the physical aspects, have you taken a look at your D30?  Class on Astrological Anatomy and Nutrition is robust and such a great resource and deals heavily on this Varga in connection to health.  

On another note, my sense is that the energetic body can be very influenced by the emotional body.  So if there are physical deficiencies in D30, Moon issues could be sapping potential energetic body defenses.  

Lymph & Muscular system comes under Saturn and the Lymph nodes ruled by Sun, Lymph vessels ruled by Mercury and the Lymph itself by the Moon.  So stuck emotions and old pain can manifest in the Lymph.  The essence of the Moon is a sense of well being, a reflection of ourselves that is calm, clear, peaceful and full.  If Moon things aren't flowing, perhaps going to the source of light, the Sun, can be helpful in working on the reflection.


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@quasar259 Yes, thank you...I was just looking into that.  In the d-30, my sun is in F dignity, Moon is E, Mars is N and Saturn is it all makes sense.  Sun is with venus in Gemini, Mars is in virgo, Saturn is with Mercury in scorpio and moon is in Sag.  These placements and combos all make sense for what I am experiencing with lymph, etc.  I am getting just enough to get by with mars and mental state about it all is a little brigher than what it emotionally is. As normal with Moon problems, it's hard to get in touch with my emotions.  I started Surya namaskar and I am hoping to learn surya kriya soon, as the namaskar already helps, the kriya is a level up.   I suppose I should start Chandra namaskar at night and figure out what's eating me emotionally.  It's such a hard thing to do...It's like, I think I'm fine, but situations trigger me to tears out of nowhere and it's truly a mystery to me on how to resolve whatever it is that's stuck or old pain.  UGHHH.

I will definitely dive into the course you suggested next!  Thank you for mentioning it, I am dying here!

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@valen I have seen quite often Saturn in Scorpio implicates hidden pain and the ripening of past negative karma.  Unless you have insight into your past lives the issues coming from this placement will not seem to make sense and be particularly torturous.  I think this is where the Sun comes in: in the space of experiencing the ripening of past negative karma, in the moment we do not have a lot of agency, yet with an attitude of surrender and acceptance along with continuously aligning ourselves with Dharma (Sun) the karma exhausts and by maintaining Dharma (staying outside reactivity) we don't create new negative karma.  

I had some periods were in my meditation I would just weep and sob.  I found it was better to not try and find a reason, but because it came so spontaneously, just let it go without getting caught up in the experience which was quite a practice in itself.  Even thought this was not at all enjoyable, I was much clearer and able to work with my own and others emotions and energies afterward.

I think dance could be potentially helpful in your situation.  It really helped me when I was experiencing alot of intense issues without obvious causes.  In particular dance that encourages free expression and exploration.  When things don't make sense, it's therapudic to get out of our heads.

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@quasar259 Thank you for sharing your insights.  I have not a clue as to how to find out what my past lives were like, but that last one must have been crushing.

I know that Jupiter is the philosophy and Saturn is the practice and I find that I have a really good thing going with that...those planets are in mutual reception in my chart and generally in good dignity throughout the vargas.  The part I lose myself in is the awareness of when I'm being sucked into reactivity.  I think that is where the moon comes in?  Or maybe it's the sun...that answer hasn't come to me yet.

I have been working hard core of maintaining awareness and when I am reactive, it's in very subtle ways at this point.  Most of the time, I get into trouble because I am not sensitive to the emotional nature of others.  I'm too mental and stoic...of course with myself as well.  So, others get butt hurt by what I say or how I do things and I get a negative feedback loop of people emoting negatively around me when they are unhappy with me, instead of talking it out (which I am better at).  The negativity is such a drain!

As you mentioned the weeping and sobbing in your meditations, I haven't come to that, although I've seen it in other people.  I usually have a reaction with emotion after the meditation, as it takes such intense focus to keep my attention on the energy and my 3rd eye instead of thinking and following my thoughts. 

You mentioned that dharma is the Sun, what is the moon in that line of thought? How we feel about that experience?  If I look at the Deeptaadi avasthas with the moon, it's miserable.  But the LA's are not as bad.  I find that people often ask me how I put up with things, that they would be 'outta there' or 'someone has to pay'...but i'm just like 'well, it is what it is' and I guess I don't know how to respond appropriately, emotionally, so I just shrug it off.  I process emotions slowly because Mercury is in lorded by Saturn and Saturn is 7th from my moon with is in Gemini.  So, there is definitely a disconnect, but I can't define exactly where that is coming from in my chart.

If Sun is the space of experiencing past karma and my Venus is in the same degree as the sun, I wonder what that means for my past...and present.  I'll have to look back into the avasthas course to see how they affect one another.

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@valen there is an underling paradigm motivating reactions to situations when we are working primarily from a self oriented point of view, in your words "not sensitive to the emotional nature of others".  The negative feedback loops from others are messages from your environment trying to wake you up to the underlying paradigm.  It's tricky because it's not necessarily taking what the other people are saying at face value and it's also not simply rejecting what others are saying because it is frustrating, it's following the impulse of your reactivity and seeing where it's coming from.  Your in this situation because you have been repeating the karma over and over and even though your experiencing turbulence and pain it is actually beneficial because you are in a place where you are trying to find out why and what's happening though introspecting.  You can have some solace and faith that as long as you keep looking within, one of your sub-dasa periods will come along and light up your understanding.  That's why I suggested dancing as a practice to familiarize oneself with going with the flow, anything that helps you get into that state is helpful.  When we combine going with the flow and introspection we open ourselves to the inherent intelligence that sees clearly and knows simply because it is so which causes shockwaves of peace to temper our troubles.

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@quasar259 Thank you for sharing this reminder. I think I was always looking at it for face value instead of following the impulse.  I do a lot of Byron Katie worksheets and I think I could use this idea to broaden my line of questioning.

Amit Bhat
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Assume all planets are relatively fine.

Then Sun has a noble vision to achieve. Moon feels intuitively happy about that. Jupiter gives his wisdom and grace towards it. Mercury finds the different possible ways to achieve it. Venus evaluates each one of them and figures out the best one. But it is the Mars who is the commander with  rahu and ketu as his armies who gets it all done. 
So the success of entire mission finally rests upon Mars if all others have done their job properly. He is the central point of focus between higher and lower categories of people. In the chakra system too, Mars is the middle chakra in the spine. 
So, Mars holds his great importance indeed. However if you study the 5 elements course of Ernst, you will see how all five elements are interdependent upon each other for their good health.
So even if Saturn is in bad LA, the person won't have a detached attitude in life and take insignificant things personally too and can never have a happy relationship even if Venus is great.
So, what I have learnt so far, figure out the most afflicted/weakest planet in the chart and that's where the link will break fast and will be the cause of the most significant issues. That's what needs the most healing.
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@amit Thank you, I will go over the 5 elements course after a shad bala refresher and try to figure myself out.  I think I'm getting close!  🙂

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So, in the first video of the 5 elements course, Ernst explains that the planets conjunct the sun are agitated because the Sun wants the real thing and isn't getting it.  Does this mean that the moment we spiritualize ourselves or our understanding of that planet, we will embody the real thing?  ( and if that's the case, how does one do this? ) or will we never get the real thing from a planet and we improve only through intense acceptance?  Perhaps I should watch the video again.  🙂

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Oh wait, I think I made a connection while vacuuming. 🙂

I think I realize why I always feel like this world is unfulfilling. Even at times when it is very pleasant and I have fun, I still feel to my core like it's all bullshit and I'm missing out on something more, something deeper...That's the Venus in the same degree as the Sun thing. I've also got Jupiter conjunct the Sun.  I've always felt that every partner I've been with, every nice/ bad experience I've had, just all of life in general...the things we do and what we will feel about it all on our deathbeds is just meaningless in a way because it's not real.  The only meaningful thing is that I embody that truth...which would be what the Sun is trying to do. 

So I find it interesting that the closer I come to my Saturn dasa, with my Mercury, Sun, Venus and Jupiter in the signs of Saturn and Saturn sitting in Sag, 2nd house, that I am coming into situations where I have found my guru, a living master (anything less than that, I was never satisfied with), I can meditate as much as I want and I do a lot of spiritual practices, etc.  This is what I have always wanted, but it was delayed until this point.  Never found the right person, place, situation, etc. 

I'm not sure I can ever spiritualize Venus, but I am spiritualizing myself, and that's good enough for me right now. (Perhaps that's how Venus is spiritualized).

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@amit Oh my God!  What have I been missing out on!?  The 5 elements course is amazing!

(@Anonymous 18348)
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@valen I just realized I can look at your profile and see that you live in the same time zone as I.  Just like you, I too am a LMT, among many other things.  If you ever want to study topics together, please reach out to me.

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@kristina-lia-hansen I would love to study topics together.  Thank you for offering.


(@Anonymous 18348)
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@valen Based on your list of disorders, I would suggest that you get up before sunrise, do your normal morning routine...poo, pee, brush teeth, cold water on face.  Then go outside and watch the sunrise.  Do this with bare feet, no corrective lenses on eyes, meaning no contacts, glasses or sunglasses.  Somehow your circadian rhythm is not in sync with nature.  Even if there are clouds outside, go outside, no shoes, no corrective lenses and face the direct of the sunrise.  Where do you live?

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@kristina-lia-hansen Yes, I wake up before sunrise most days, to do my sadhana...but I don't go outside barefoot at this time of year because it's cold where I am right now...Mountains of NC.  I usually sit in the window and let the sun hit my ajna chakra.  Once I am done, I get bundled up and go for a walk.  Maybe I'll get some thick socks that I can go outside with.  In the warmer weather I do the sun gazing at sunrise and sunset, but I really should do it now too.  Thank you for the encouragement. 

I move around a lot, so not always here in NC.  Hoping to be in a warmer climate after the new year...I have my heart set on AZ, my favorite state.

But on another note, I went to the acupuncturist and he said I definitely have a deficient kidney yang affecting spleen issue, so I'm going to investigate the class that Ernst has about medical astrology and see the correlation. 

(@Anonymous 18348)
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@valen I too am in living in NC on the coast in Wilmington.  Let's email one another, mine is:
