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Tonsils Research Study

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I've been inspired to begin a study in regard to the removal of tonsils in people. I'm looking for anyone who either wants to help with this project and/or who has interest in it and/or who has had the tonsils removed and wants to be part of the study.

The theory is that the removal of tonsils is correlated with a Jupiter (since it rules over ether/vach) having a troubled avastha. I have begun collecting data of people who have volunteered through Facebook and now I'm asking here!

The issue that I'm trying to resolve is not so much on whether that theory is correct, but rather how to help mitigate the issues that it brings up as it relates to speaking truth and being comfortable in authentic self-expression. 

Looking forward to collaborating with anyone interested! Thanks.

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This is interesting.

I have a starved Ju (by Sa and Me) and is also afflicted in many vargas. I had to have my adenoids, but not tonsils, removed as a child.

Later, around the time I first got into chakras, meditation, and mantra, I developed chronically swollen tonsils, that while not severe, involved a case of strep infection that kept on coming back and just wouldn't go away. Even though the strep wouldn't go away for months, I wasn't even particularly sick. But I just always had a tight and sore throat around the tonsils and eustachian area and swollen glands. And I kept testing positive. The doctor hadn't seen a case like that before.

This happened during a time when I was working my first job, which involved continuously speaking and communicating with the public. It was hard to remain confident and think on my feet. My boss said I was too nervous and wasn't assertive and confident enough. I had just come out a time of "hiding from the world" and avoiding social situations for the previous few years. This was a year after my Jupiter maturity.

The throat chakra is connected with Mercury. And Mercury is connected with the ether element in one cycle, which involves the chakras, and the earth element in another cycle. So my case may have also been linked with my debilitated Mercury. Mercury is also db in the D10 where it is involved in a dhainya yoga with Jupiter. It is also in a sign exchange yoga with Jupiter in the D1 between the 4th and 10th.

I know someone who did have their tonsils removed. As an adult she has been very outspoken and self-defensive and seems to enjoy "telling people off". Many of her Facebook posts are memes about how tough and proud she is. But as a child and teenager she was put-down, criticized, and be-littled by her family. She got much less attention and validation than her siblings and the attention she did get was only negativity or ridicule. I haven't seen her chart though.

I know someone else who's throat and tonsils are very sensitive and become sore and irritated very easily. He often chokes on food, dust, and pollen. He has always had the habit of clearing his throat a lot when thinking things through and explaining the truth to others. He nearly died of whooping cough when he was a child, and grew up in a house where there was constant yelling, arguing, and invalidation. One time he had throat and nose surgery that did more harm than good. He has a good Jupiter (delighted by Mars). But his Mercury is starved and his lagna lord Venus is shamed with Rahu in the sign of Gemini. And the throat chakra is linked with Gemini and Virgo


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@mitryendra80 I have Jupiter starved by Mercury and Saturn too, by concunction in the Lagna, Virgo, Sun is there too. If I look at my Chart tropicly.

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@narottama Yes Virgo is where my Jupiter and Saturn are as well.

I made a post months ago about how many people with major Virgo placements there are in Ernst's group and there keeps being more!

Any throat issues?

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@mitryendra80 Where is your Mercury? Which Lagna you have?

Interesting about the Virgos.

Not really throut issues. Not that I can remember. My larynx is stickig out, that looks funny or strange but does not trouble me and my voice cracks up when I sing. 

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@narottama Sag. lagna with db. Mercury in Pisces.

It seems that both Jupiter and Mercury are the planets of mantra, voice, and speech.

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@mitryendra80 Yes, Jupiter and Mercury is what I have noticed so far.

I had my tonsils removed when I was 4 and my Jupiter is in Libra (GE in most of the Vargas) and Venus happens to be with Mercury in Gemini.


I have two participants who go their tonsils removed but they grew back. I looked at their charts and their Jp was in great dignity. One had it exalted and the other was mulatrikona. The one with MT Jupiter is being starved by Mercury and his tonsils were removed twice, but grew back. This is truly fascinating...I didn't know that they could grow back until now.

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@mitryendra80 Thanks for sharing. I am wondering and would like to ask, do you have any form of psychological issues like depression (Saturn and/or Mercury starving Jupiter) or anxiety or cumpulsion dissorder (Mercury starving Jupiter). I have some elements of the above mentioned and I would like to know your experience. If you dont want to answer such personal question I can understand. If you would like to answer but not publicly here ist my E-Mail adress: If you feel its inappropriate for me to ask, I apologise.

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@narottama Yes I experience all those issues, but I think they also involve other aspects of my chart.

Though I think I would be able deal with them much better if Jupiter were in better shape.

I may email you soon.



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@mitryendra80 Thanks for the answer. Its very interessting that you can confirm that you experience all these issues. I am in my Jupiter period and as said before I do experience these issues and my conclusion is that it has to do with Jupiter being starved by Mercury and Saturn. Of course, as you rightly said, there is more to consider in ones chart that can produce or add to that. One has to understand it in its intirenty. Thanks for sharing your experience, that was helpful for me.

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@mitryendra80 thanks for that! Would you like to send me your data for the study? If so, is my email. Also, if you could see if the other two people that you mentioned want to submit their data, that would be great too.

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@suzanstars I'll send my data soon, but I'm sure the other two I mention wouldn't want to be involved, unfortunately.



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@suzanstars You may want to check your junk or spam folder. I think my emails were showing up that way when I was sending to someone else with a gmail account.


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@mitryendra80 Thanks...I'll be sure to check and respond.

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My birth data is September 1th 1980, 7am, City: Mödling, Country: Austria. You can see in my chart that Jupiter is in bad Avastas. My tonsils have not been removed but my adenoids when I was about 6 years old.

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@narottama Thanks, I'll add you to the study; although I was originally asking for tonsils, the adenoids are part of that system so it would have similar effects.

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@suzanstars I am aware that you asked for tonsils. My reason for sending you my data is as follows: You have shared you theory that Jupiter in bad Avastas can lead to removing ones tonsils. I have surely Jupiter in bad Avastas but I did not have my tonsils removed. In order to understand if ones theory is correct or not one needs to see not only cases where the tonsils where removed but also cases where this was not the case. How else one can see how accurate ones theory is? In my case it did not happen, or some connected part was removed. I am saying that not to criticise but rather to helping coming to deeper insights. If we have many charts where Jupiter was in bad Avastas but the tonsils where not removed one can then compare and look for further indications why it was not the case in some charts but in others it was. For example one could see that Venus starving Jupiter more often leads to removed tonsils then other planets starving Jupiter (just an made up example). Or one can understand that there need to be other conditions that make a Jupiter in bad Avastas produce the removing of the tonsils. I am not sure but I guess the tonsils are in the area of Taurus the second sign or the second house and maybe some weakness or affliction in thet area, or a afflicted and weak Lagna and Lagna Lord, afflicted or weak Sun, 6th house that manifests negativl. Or other things. What I am trying to say is that I think its these details that give really insightfull realisations and that happens only if one sees also the chart where Jupiter is in bad Avastas but the tonsils where not removed. Thats why I sent you my birth details. Now, you did not aks for my advice, maybe you know all this and thats annoying for you that I say all this and inappropriate from my side, if thats the case my apolopies, but after you pointed out that you have asked for tonsils, which I am aware of, I felt that I wanted to explain why I have sent my birth details although my tonsils have not been removed.

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@narottama I think perhaps there was a misunderstanding... I appreciate you sending your data and being a participant. This is a wide experiment that I'm grateful to share with you and other astrology students here in the forum. We are peers and it's great to be able to share information with each other as we grow in knowledge. So again, thank you for submitting and participating!

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Something that I dont understand. You said that Jupiter signifies ether. Jupiter also signifies Kapha. Kapha is made out of the two elements earth and water. This could be seen as an contradiction and I am not sure why that is given in BPHS. Could be seen as inconsitency because one is dependent on the other in a way. 

The same can be seen with Varna and Guna. What I have heard elsewhere is that the Guna of a Brahmana is predominantly Sattva. That of a Ksatriya is predominantly Pitta. We see from BPHS that the Sun is considered Ksatriya but has the Guna Sattva. That to me does not fit together. Of course Guna and Varna is very complex and overlapping as can be seen by many stories in Sastra but still.

But anyhow, maybe not helpful here but just food for thought.

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@narottama Ether is the space or what we would call a container. Jupiter is Kapha, which we could see based on its connection to the lipids/fat in the body. Just like oil, it is of a heaviness or thickness that is suggested by Kapha (earth and water is thick or heavy) so it makes sense that it is connected to that. The elements really tell us a great story in how everything interacts. One doesn't have to contradict another aspect. This can be seen all around in nature. Things may look like they are full of paradoxes, however, that is what makes us (and Nature) complex in our simplicity! ????

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@suzanstars Yes live is complex but how do you renconsile these different aspects and how to practicaly apply that? Could you share a practical example of one person how to apply the Kapha indication from Jupiter and simultaneosly his ether quality?

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@narottama I think kapha can fully exist, expand, and be generous when contained or suspended in ether.

If that makes any sense? It might not.

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@mitryendra80 Honestly speaking and with all due respect I have to say that it does not make sense to me and/or I dont understand. I think it may be that different signification, allthough one can see them as contradicting other signification, may have its place under specific circumstances or are there to be used for very specific things. For example many significations may not make much sense for generell use but for Prasna (I am not a Prasna expert, just what I heard and understand from trying to make sense of some significations) they are very usefull and make sense or more sense. So it may be that the ether signification from Jupiter may have its place to be used for something specific which I am unable to properly understand in order to solve that apparent contradiction.

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@narottama I think I know what you mean.

There seem to be many contradictions in these sciences and I still ponder them from time to time, not knowing if I'm overthinking them or if they are not that important, or if there is in fact some meaning to them. Especially when it comes to the elements, planets, doshas, deities, Vastu, and numbers. All the occult correlative stuff.

I'm curious about them too and will probably post questions about them if they come up. We'll just wait and see if any answers that may come up ring true or make sense ???? 

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@mitryendra80 Thank you for understanding. Yes, many contradictions and much information. Defenitely much to think about and much to understand. Hopefully more and more will be understood. Wish you much succes in your attempt to understand it all.
