Dear Ernst,
I am trying to understand the two systems that are used for calculating the lunar month. One is called (as you know better then me and there may be different names but I use this) Amanta, which starts after the new moon and the other is called Purnimanta which starts after the full moon. in Surya Siddhanta 14.12-14 the reference is cleary given for the Amanta system. Is there any reference in any text for the Purnimanta system? Where is the origin for that system? Why there are systems? Do you have any information about the Purnimanta system? Any info would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards
It seems the purnimanta system is used more in south india for religious purposes only, for muhurta we should only use the amanta.
Nope, ,have never seen a reference to use it in any astrology book.