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determine if ruling planet is good or bad

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I have watched the muhurta videos about 100 times and I cant seem to find a pattern to determine if when we are looking at making a determination about the lord of the nadika, tithi or VYN if it relates to the time of the muhurta in the location of the happening or if it is linked to us and our desired outcomes. that would also be for client work- if a client is half around the world - do we judge the planets based on the client location? right now when I check in my location all planets are direct, in good dignity ( sun in leo, saturn in aquar, jup in friend sign, moon in friend sign, mercury in friend, etc) but moon in krittika for me ( ashvin) is something I am aprehensive about. Are you all using local time for planetary determinations for the rulers of the panchang?


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

ALl muhurta factors are calculated for the location of the event. 
