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Muhurta Helper recommended dates

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Can someone advise on whether the points given for muhurta when using the Muhurta Helper button is a good reliable date for muhurta selection? I am trying to choose a date for my son's first haircut and I would use the recommended dates with the points; but when I go into the actual date recommended and look at the specifics some aspect such as the Nakshatra or the Tara or even the Lagna would be the "not ideal" or recommended points given by the classic texts. I usually try to get the tithi, nakshatra, tara and the lagna in most favorable positions and if I can get the lagna or moon vargottama then it is better. Just wondering if the Muhurta points given are relying more on the yogas created on that time and how reliable those muhurta dates are. I think in the book by Ernst on Muhurta he mentions that the VTN yogas should be strong if all else is not ideal but I am not sure. Any insight is appreciated.

5 Replies
Amit Bhat
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I would check good vtn yoga, good karana, and good yoga plus neutralisation factors, benefics in angles, lagna lord in angle or 11th and less of disturbing factors.. Also some other factors like moon should be in good shape in rasi and d9, avoiding afflictions to Venus and Jupiter... If you have time, uttrayana is preferable.

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@amit yes thats a good point. I do try to get the benefics in the angles for neutralization.

Ernst Wilhelm
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THe muhurta helper takes into account 128 things and that includes  VTN yogas. If a bad VTN yoga, it will skip the time. You can adjust the parameters as well but it works well as I put them. I use it all the time actually. 

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@ernst Thanks Ernst! I will continue to use the functions; its very helpful.

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the Muhurta helper is a great tool.  I will get a group of high scoring dates, then good VTN, then try to get the one with the lords of the vara, tara, nakshatra and karana in best shape, then a beneficial planets in 11th or angles, then a look at the nadika, then the navamsa.  Ernst goes over this in the Classical Muhurta class.  Another student who uses muhurta a lot for business activities mentioned the importance of the navamsa.
