relocation techniqu...
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relocation technique

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hi Ernst, all

please can you elaborate on the logic of using the latitude multiply of the planets as a reference to their activation and not their original declination value? isnt the planet original distance from the equator(declination) at birth creates "a blue print" of activation? i wander if any multiply of declination which reduces the real declination value is equal to the rays of energy from that planet in its real declination value , at birth, which creates the blue print of the planet affect on the individual  ? (of course without ignoring  all the factors that the planets hold as a result of their zodiacal permutations)

6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

We do use the original declination, and multiples of it. How I look at it is that a planet is a particular distance north or south from the equator. This is the planets, let's call it, step. This means, this is the way in which it is operating, that distance is the operational determination just as a particular distance from the vernal equinox and so operations in a certain way due to this (aka, sign position). (How far this distance is from the equator certainly means something but it's not something anyone has given any thought to.) With rasi aspects a planet is a certain distance from the equinox or soltice and then that is mirrored around the zodiac as an aspect. In the same way, the declination distance from the equator is mirrored north and south and can be seen as a type of aspect. We could also look at how planets are aspecting each other in this way with "declination aspects."

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very interesting and clever approach, may i ask what the source of that technique? did you develop it from your broad understanding and use of all that the old texts offer? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Relocation techniques are all recently developed techniques in astrology. I had a book long ago that showed several methods and simply calculating the chart as if the person was born at the new location is the basic relocation chart 

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Joined: 4 years ago

yes i understand, but you expanded that approach with the steps("aspects like") of  declination and also you regard the effect of a planet in close declination, on person while  anywhere in the world and regardless of the fact that it is on an angel.

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