Hi to anyone who would like to help me out...
I am a new Kala user and I would like to use the Muhurta screen for personal use but I do not have time to take the Muhurta course right now as apparently it is 18 hours 🙂
I would like to find the best day for my wife to open her new business and make the first sale. Can I just select the Muhurta for Business/Finance - Store/Business opening, and then click the Muhurta helper button, and then select the Muhurta suggested with the highest score? I have found some 5, 6, 7 and even an 8 here.
Or is it better to find where the green columns all line up under the day for Nakshatra/Tara/Tithi/Karana/Nitrya/VTN?
The date the green columns all line up is 12/27 but this date isn't even showing up under the Muhurta Helper suggestions so that has confused me. The Helper suggestions give me 12/21 and on that day I do not see the green columns lining up.
Also please let me know if I should not even bother trying to use this screen to find Muhurta's without taking the class first!
The best thing to do is use the muhurta helper, directions are under the owners manual in the help menu of the software.
Thank you Ernst. This is so helpful.