VTN yogas & individ...
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VTN yogas & individual V, T and N influences

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Dear Ernst,

In your book, Classic Muhurta, chapter 22 outlines Specific Muhurta Guidelines for different types of events - different vara, tithi, nakshatra ect. are recommended.
In chapter 9, Combinations of Vara, Tithi & Nakshatra, you write that these combinations are the single most important factor for determining whether a particular moment is favourable of unfavourable.

I have two similar questions:
1) when looking for a Muhurtas for specific activities, do we look for an auspicious yoga, and not consider at all the individual qualities of vara, tithi and nakshatra?

2) Do the individual qualities of vara, tithi and nakshatra play any part in either the mood of the time the event is being performed, or the final outcome of performing the activity?

Much thanks

5 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Idealy you want a tithi for the event, a nakshatra for hte event and a vara for the event AND that all of 2 of these form a yoga. That's usually not possible as on the days these things happen, there is often some other severe blemish like moon with a planet. Dark tithi, etc etc. So, quite often we have to make the choice of what to do and the better choice is a good yoga even if the vara tithi or nakshatra are not good for the event. In no cases shoudl we do an event with a bad VTN yoga. 


and  yes, the individual qualities of the  vara tithi and nakshatra give their results, and if in a good vtn yoga, their results come together in a way so as to produce good efffects of the yoga. 

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Thank you Ernst for your reply

In relation to the second question:

On page 58 of your book, section titled Nature of Nakshatras and Their Use, there are listed 7 qualities of the Nakshatras.
i.e. Mridu (soft) or Tiksna (sharp) etc...

Would it be correct to say that the qualities of the Nakshatras, influence the actual mood of the time period the activity is being performed in (and to some degree the outcome of performing the event)... and the combined vt, vn, or vtn yoga effects the outcome / end result?

For example the time period the activity is being performed in, has Tiksna (sharp) quality, that will effect the mood of the time of the event, but the combined yoga produces a good effect / result

Thanks in advance

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, t hats how it works, somehow that sharp quality will work with the tithi and or vara to gvie a good result, it will be a necessary thing for success. 

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That is much clearer now, I appreciate it, thank you Ernst

In your answer to my first question you wrote "...That's usually not possible as on the days these things happen, there is often some other severe blemish like moon with a planet. Dark tithi, etc etc. "

Of the 21 mahadoshas and other blemishes you mention in your book, what would you say are an absolute no no blemishes, and what blemishes could be somewhat overlooked being less severe?

For each Muhurta date selected do you go over all the possible blemishes, or do you have a select few that are sever that you try to avoid?
It would be very helpful to categorise them, if they can be:

  • Severe blemishes
  • Blemishes
  • Less sever blemishes

I think that would help make choices whether the "weight" of a blemish should be a major or lesser concern for a time period that may offer many other auspicious factors.

Do you have a list of something like that you check against: Severe blemishes, Blemishes, Less severe blemishes?


1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@candradas i believe i cover that in the muhurta book in the 21 mahadosas chapter.
