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9/11 prediction

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Has anyone tried to research how 9/11 terrorist attack would have been predicted? There are no eclipses close to the time. A western astrologer called Lynn Palmers apparently predicted it to the day.

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Moon was getting away from Saturn conjunction. The Previous day Saturn close to the Moon. The next day the moon is conjunct Rahu In cancer. That impression that we were the good one in the events maybe due to Rahu in Cancer. With Jupiter Exalted but influenced by Rahu, extreme belief system. 

Ketu in the 4th with Mars exalted, difficulty, fights at home but well done fights as it's exalted, look at the Reacher Series the main actor has this in his chart.

9th with Saturn and Moon, 9th house is associated with the Governments; Again look at the Reacher series or at Xfiles series, the 9house is either trash or close to rahu and ketu, difficulty with independence from governments, spies, lies and what not. Going away from patriarchy 9th house, getting in the intelligent "feminine" 3rd house, close to the 4th house. 


Regarding the eclipses, to me there is always one, and the previous influence the next. I like to pinpoint when Rahu and Saturn get close to together, this point represent how much paranoia there is at the time. When the moon get close to this point something may happen, at least emotionally or spiritually. The next year Rahu and Saturn are in Gemini both, either conjunct or in the Sign. The people born this year all have difficulty with Mercury, Trauma around that sign. So difficult childhood from 3 to 12. One can think are those trauma linked to the 11 September which set the the stage for a new world? what they call new world order in their paranoia. 

Next paranoia was in 2012 2013, the next end of the world paranoia as they called it, and it was mainly bitcoin and what bitcoin did, and also sexuality, independence from the Taurus/scorpio Axis. Next one is in 2025, in Pisces. 


Back to the 9/11 event, Mercury which carry that influence from Gemini is on the Ascendant. It appear fine but it's trashed. Lord of Jupiter is the Moon in Gemini getting hurt by both rahu and Saturn as it's in between the 2. There is a trauma on the child mind as per Ernst new course PAC. There is a trauma on mercury the Growing Adult. And mercury is on the Ascendant the Body.

USA often have events linked to 3rd and 9th house as their chart Ketu and Rahu are there respectively. Almost every TV or Movie series done in the USA to some extent have some fear around government taking control of their life's. What purpose the main Character in the Reacher series have? 

The Ascendant of the USA chart is Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini. So the attack on the 7th house their partnership was responsible for their fear of their own self, their reflection. And Mars is there in their chart in Gemini in the 7th house. In the 8th house is 4 planets including Jupiter and Venus which were conjunct the Transiting Rahu at the time. Saturn is exalted in the Venus Sign (natal), so their 11th house is somehow very strong, but at the same that 11th house lord Venus is conjunct transiting Rahu (exact degree conjunction) , so maybe they lashed out due to that, their patience run out? they look for a war crime in Ben Laden, an old partnership from the oil business, the 7th house? Openly the 7th is trashed, but the 8th is hiddenly trashed also and less so the next year, they lash out that year as the 7th got more trashed, while the 8th house, hidden meaning behind the events stayed hidden, it's not Cancer that was trashed, this happened in WW2 (1945). But still 8th house and 7thouse are both social house somehow, they have similar meaning, so the US diplomatic situation got nailed hard they lost respect from the other nations, war mongering a bit too much maybe, but the USA do have 4 planets in the 8th, one can expect change from them. 

One can ask himself what will happen when Rahu and Saturn will be their 4th house in Pisces, which will indirectly influence their Asc Sag. What will be the next 911? the War with Israel? Some say the Texas may break away from the USA (I heard that on French TV) the next President may happen too, who will he be? After sleepy Joe we might get hungry Joe, or overzealous "4th house Joe".  

The 4th house will take some serious hit, that's almost mandatory. One may want to analyse the year 1956-7 when Rahu Saturn was in Scorpion/Sagittarius. There is probably some similarity between that time and what will happen in 2024-5. I think this was close to the Korean war, but I'm not sure, I didn't do enough research on that part yet. 


"WHEN THE FIRST plane struck the World Trade Center at 8:48 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, President Bush was in Florida, lecturing a classroom of second-graders about the importance of reading skills." Gemini the children got trashed ... Moon Saturn in Gemini. 


The D60 seems to confirm that's it's a poor leadership decision as Sun is Deb in libra, again Venus getting hurt. In the D9 Venus is Deb in Virgo in the 5th. That Venus conjunct transiting rahu might have been a catalyst for a weak diplomacy. Venus is combust after all in the rasi chart and in the 8th house, lord of the 11th their income. So their income from diplomacy was in danger, they went to war, the real reason was money or income or reputation? For the children they say, Saturn is opposite 5th house, so they protect their children from Saturn (Evil) which is their own exchange from other country, their reliance on oil? 

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It is easy to look retrospectively at the chart of the day the event happened and come up with a way to explain it but my question is how would someone have predicted it?

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@radharamana If you understand what was seeded during the New Moon then you can predict the climax of the Full Moon. Here we use the longer Saturn-Pluto cycle. It started in 1983 with Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra (birth of modern suicide bombing in Lebanon). Then the first phase occured in 1993 with the Saturn-Pluto waxing square (failed bombing of world trade center). Then in 2001 we have the climax of the Saturn-Pluto opposition (9/11 event) then in 2011 we have the final phase of the Saturn-Pluto waxing square (Obama administration killed Ben Laden). Finally in 2020 we have a new cycle focused on a different theme with Saturn-Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (covid). Once you know the right year (2001) you can use the faster transits of the inner planets which will activate the overarching Saturn-Pluto configuration. The august 1999 total eclipse had a two year influence reaching into 9/11 according to the ptolemaic rules of traditional mundane astrology.

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@psyle Thanks can you recommend a good book for traditional mundane astrology

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Traditional : Benjamin N Dykes - "Astrology of the World" (Volume I & II) 
Modern : Green, Raphael, Carter - "Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States"

You're welcome

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Also, the last eclipse before 9/11 occured in june 2001 and it was a Total Solar Eclipse at 0°14’ Cancer. In mundane astrology the four cardinal points of the tropical zodiac are known as the "World Angles" (0° Aries ; 0° Cancer ; 0° Libra; 0° Capricorn). Solar Eclipses are much more powerful than lunar eclipses (these can last for several months) and this one brought a rare activation of the Cancer World Angle hence the incoming event would have an impact on the entire world and it would affect the security of the general population and their families (Cancer). Furthermore on the day of the attack we have Mars at 0° Capricorn reactivating this Eclipse point by opposition.

There are many others things which could be described for this event. All of this secondary information will give the right day and month once the year has been found with the technique mentioned in my last post. For instance Pluto was in Sagittarius (death from foreign religious zealots) opposing Saturn in Gemini (the sign of the twins leading to the twin towers). It was the peak of the sun spot cycle and this usually brings more energy and very often conflicts. There was Mars opposite Jupiter (religious zealot) and conjunct Ketu. Rahu was in Ardra Nakshatra (Rudra the storm deity). Etc.... 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Thank you for the accurate example of how to work with ecplipses properly, especially the mars transit part. 
