Last seen: Dec 2, 2024
@scott-m-19 I haven't done an extensive study of the US and its political landscape because I live in Europe. That being said, I can write up a short...
@marianela Yes thank you I meant 1962-1963 for the Syrian coup d'état. The exact aspect occured on december 1962 (three months before the coup d'état)...
Short Answer : Around 2028-2029 there will be the first tangible consequences of the 2020 covid pandemic and its political/economic actions. Although ...
@marianela Benjamin Netanyahu is a relevant example of synodic cycles. Interestingly the 2023 Libra Solar Eclipse (which sparked the Gaza War) did not...
Also, the last eclipse before 9/11 occured in june 2001 and it was a Total Solar Eclipse at 0°14’ Cancer. In mundane astrology the four cardinal point...
@radharamana Traditional : Benjamin N Dykes - "Astrology of the World" (Volume I & II) Modern : Green, Raphael, Carter - "Mundane Astrology: The ...
@radharamana If you understand what was seeded during the New Moon then you can predict the climax of the Full Moon. Here we use the longer Saturn-Plu...
Here is my main prediction : end of the Ukraine war in 2026. The events of 2026 will usher in an entirely new era of Russian history. It will be the e...