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War in Ukraine

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The october 25th solar eclipse is right on Putin's lagna degree. However, there is controversy about his birth time and even date. This eclipse should hit him hard right?

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I remember looking at his chart, and I recall questioning whether his birth data is accurate. I don't recall the yogas and raj yogas necessary for him to be in his position but if someone can demonstrate that, please do. 

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Soon we'll experience rectification by eclipse effects 🙂

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Here is my main prediction : end of the Ukraine war in 2026. 

The events of 2026 will usher in an entirely new era of Russian history. It will be the end of Vladimir Putin and the end of the Ukraine war. Specifically, the focal point seems to be July 2026.

For several centuries the fundamental blueprint of Russia's collective spirit has been following the Saturn-Neptune synodic cycle. Among other things this energy indicates the austere implementation (Saturn) of mystical collective ideals (Neptune). There are 36 years between each conjunction. In mundane astrology I find that western techniques give you the big picture and vedic techniques will do the fine tuning. 

Every single new SN conjunction has brought about a new stage for Russia. 

1846 Marx Manifesto (Saturn-Neptune in Aquarius)
1883 the start of Marxism (Saturn-Neptune in Taurus)
1917 the Russian revolution (Saturn-Neptune in Leo)
1953 the death of Staline and birth of Putin (Saturn-Neptune in Libra)
1989 the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Saturn-Neptune in Capricorn with Uranus).

The next conjunction will occur in 2026 and it happens to be extremely beneficial. The great astrologer André Barbault called it the "most harmonious configuration of the 21st century". The five outer planets will form a “basket” pattern in 2026. The focal point is July 2026 when Jupiter in Leo hits the transaturnian minor grand trine. But the first signs of relief and peace will be felt as of june 2025 when Jupiter enters Cancer its exaltation. This 2026 conjunction is even more important than all the previous ones because it occurs in Aries (thus ending an even bigger 144 year cycle) and it is tightly aspected by all the outer planets. Russia (and Ukraine) won't be destroyed but reborn thanks to this beneficial configuration. Russia could even reclaim the future of Christianity (Pluto-Uranus trine hitting Saturn-Neptune). I also hope that Russia will find a new alliance with the European Union. During the 1989 Saturn-Neptune conjunction (Russia) and Uranus-Neptune conjunction (Europe) there was already an attempt made by Mikhail Gorbachev known as "The "Common European Home". 

Vladimir Putin happens to be deeply connected to the Russian collective spirit. He was born with a Libra Sun conjunct the Neptune-Saturne signature ! This means that each new actualization of the SN cycle brings a new chapter in his life. For instance during the last conjunction in 1989 Putin faced demonstrators in front of the KGB in Dresden during the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then Putin was sent back to Russia and this is when he started his late ascension as a typical Saturnian figure. It seems that the 2026 conjunction will probably indicate the death of Vladimir Putin and a new political era for Russia. Putin will probably not survive the transit of Uranus on his natal Moon in the 8th house and his progressed Mars on natal IC. Effectively the 4th house is also the house of endings and his natal Moon is probably the Hyleg (Giver of life) with Uranus taking on the role of the Anareta (death significator).

Looking back into the main events of the Ukraine war be also find some interesting patterns.

The start of the Ukraine conflict on 24th February 2022 has Pluto in Capricorn (the upheaval of institutions) with a triple conjunction of Pluto (underworld plutocracy), Mars (armed conflict) and Venus (financial deal). This was also the start of Ketu (karmic haunting) in its exalation Scorpio (hidden deals). The prelude came with a Plutonian Venus Morning star in Capricorn (dramatic shift in values). But more importantly there was Pluto entering the final egyptian bound of Capricorn ruled by Mars (war). Pluto will re-enter this bound for the final time at the end of 2024 for a grand finale. This is yet another confirmation that 2025 will bring the first sight of relief. 

Then in April 2022 Zelensky asks the United Nations for help (Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius).

One year later in July 2023 the climax of this war cycle doesn't bare any fruits. Zelensky gets rejected during the NATO Summit (Mars-Saturn opposition). 

In June 2023 there was also the dramatic coup attempt by the Wagner group marching nearly all the way to Moscow. Naturally this event had a special overarching configuration : Pluto (underworld government) square Rahu (mercenaries). How accurate ! This configuration was striggered by the Uranus-Mars square (23rd june: Wagner mutiny) with Uranus in Taurus (Putin's 7th house of open enemies) and Mars-Lilith-Venus in Leo (Putin's 10th house of public affairs).

In Spring 2024: Following the failure of Ukraine's counteroffensive, Russian forces seize the battlefield momentum. This occured during a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus which has been correlated to sudden battles in mudane astrology. There were several omens such as the devil comet and a new Mars-Saturn cycle. 

On a side note, there were other mundane factors which were not involved with the Ukraine conflict. In July 2023 Putin signs a new law banning transition surgery for transgender people (Venus retrograde in Leo conjunct Lilith hitting Putin's Midheaven). Ironically in 2016 during the last Venus retrograde in Leo the USA legalized same-sex marriage in all states (Venus conjunct Jupiter).In October 2024 there was the Moscow theater hostage crisis (Libra Eclipse hitting Putin chart) but it looks like the Libra-Aries axis is connected to the middle eastern world. 

Now that it's been written, I'll just have to say : see you in july 2026 for the final debriefing 😉


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@psyle Netanyahu, also Libra Sun. Born in eclipse, conjunct with Moon, Ketu and Mercury.
The exact same eclipse as the beginning of Gaza's war. It started on 7th October. The new Moon was on 14th Oct.

Netanyahu is Sag lagna. Jup DB, 24º Cap.

At 6h30 when the sirens began sounding in Jerusalem Libra was rising.
Mars, Sun, Mercury all shamed with Ketu.
His 5 and 12, his 9, his 7 and 10.

His lagna lord, Jup in 8th with Uranus.

Pluto R 27º in Cap. Strongly squaring Mars 26º Libra. And the Moon his 8th lord transiting Cancer will hit exact opposition with Pluto on the 7th Oct. 

In his natal chart Uranus in Cancer.

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@marianela Benjamin Netanyahu is a relevant example of synodic cycles. Interestingly the 2023 Libra Solar Eclipse (which sparked the Gaza War) did not belong to the same Saros cycle as his natal Eclipse but it still occured in the same sign (Libra). This means that the sign is quite important for eclipses. The general principle is that people who were born during a mundane configuration (conjunction or hard aspect) will often be influenced by the following actualizations of the same configuration. Not necessarily the same phase but at least a hard aspect it seems. 

I have seen other examples such as :

*Donald Trump who was born during a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius and in 2020 he was defeated by Joe Biden during a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (conjunct his natal Moon). This would later lead him to be charged with conspiracy against the United States.

*The prophet Muhammad was born in 571 during a Jupiter-Saturn great conjunction in Scorpio. This was the first conjunction in a water sign (Great Mutation into the Age of Water). Then in 610 he experienced a religious revelation after being visited by Archangel Gabriel (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius).

*Muammar Gaddafi is a particularly dramatic example. He was born during with Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini (copresence). In 1969 he launched a Coup d'état in Libya (Jupiter-Uranus in Libra). In 2011 he was captured and killed during the Arab Spring (Jupiter-Uranus in Aries). 

*Theodor Herzl the founder of the Zionist movement was born in 1860 (Saturn-Pluto square hitting his Taurus Sun). The entire history of modern israel is paced by the Saturn-Pluto cycle. 

*Hafez el-Assad was born in 1930 (Cancer Jupiter-Pluto conjunction with Mars). Then in 1936 he launched a coup d'état in Syria (Jupiter-Pluto opposition).

*His son Bachar el-Assad was born in 1965 (Uranus-Pluto conjunction with Sun). He became famous in 2013 during the Syrian War (Uranus-Pluto waxing square). This was the last difficult configuration before covid. The meaning is very evocative : Pluto in Capricorn (underworld government) square Uranus in Aries (Arab Spring ; social media riots).

It is therefore important to check one's own mundane cycles in the natal chart to see if we will be affected by the collective flow of human history. Especially when these configurations are hitting a personal planet. For my part I was born right after a lunar eclipse in Gemini (with Ketu exactly conjunct ASC). I aso have a Cancer Moon opposing a Uranus-Neptune conjunction (the cycle of Europe and astrology among other things). And I have a Saturn-Pluto square. With Saturn in Aquarius in the 9th house conjunct the quadrant Midheaven. This square has been quite active for me despite its wider orb (10°).

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@psyle Thanks, very interesting. I'm looking into it.
There is a mistake in Hafez al-Assad, the date of the coup d'état.

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@marianela Yes thank you I meant 1962-1963 for the Syrian coup d'état. The exact aspect occured on december 1962 (three months before the coup d'état).

Another very recent example which is the best one so far : 

13th July 2024 (Trump assassination attempt) : Mars-Uranus conjunct the fixed star Algol. It is very impressive because the shooter also has a natal Mars-Uranus conjunction (opposite Trump's natal Mars ASC). And the USA Sibley Chart also has a Mars-Uranus conjunction !!! On the day of the shooting Mars-Uranus was squaring both the Mars of Trump and the Mars of the shooter !

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I managed to predict the Ukraine war and the 3 day timeframe when it would start. I didn't see it ending until at least 2028-2029.


For the Israel -Hamas war, I saw it was not gonna last more than 1 year.

For Trump, I rectified his bday a few years ago to 40 seconds later (I don't have the astrology software with me) and puts him in very early Virgo Lagna. The July 13th caught him with Mars+Uranus over his 10th cusp and it came just 1 day after Venus opposition Pluto. When I saw his right ear barely touched, I immediately thought Sravana and the fact that Pluto is in there. I think it was a very fine set up and he staged his own assassination attempt.


There were similar transits in 1942 (? I don't have my research notes with me) when Mars met Uranus late Taurus, followed by Mars conjunction Jupiter in Gemini. At the time, WWII was on big time. Germans were adding 1-2 submarines daily. Hitler was giving executive orders one after the other. Japanese were gaining more and more, US was announcing they were closer and closer to making the atomic bomb, military alliances were failing apart, they were detaining American Japanese in Camps in US and Canada, and Jews all over Europe, there is also a president that was throwing off his own government.

Anyways, whatever Mars Uranus conjunction catalyzed in krittika around July 15th, starts unfolding changes and Jupiter will allow Mars actions to expand and become bigger July 20 - September 5th, but consequences will see until spring 2025 because Jupiter just entered (right after Mars+ Uranus) it's retrograde shadow and Uranus will also be back in those degrees of Taurus twice more till spring. 

Then there is Pluto energy that crosses the Capricorn-Aquarius border a total of 5 times till it settles in Aquarius for good for 2 decades, and it's in the same Sravana nakshatra where US natal's chart was. We will be seeing a reshape of US and possibly its constitution as well, by the time Pluto leaves Sravana in a few years time.

There is lots more to add but I'm in bed with covid and not the sharpest in remembering details on my predictions. I would keep an eye on July 20-23rd , 2024 when Mars enters Gemini, second Full Moon of Capricorn happens in tight conjunction with Pluto, followed by an opposition of Sun Pluto that haven't been opposing from Leo-Aquarius in over 200 years. Since Sun shows leaders and leadership institutions, and Pluto extreme power , or power games, manipulations or even falling apart or dissolving, let's see what unfolds with presidents and top executives.


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