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Chines New Year

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Dear @ernst

You have mentioned that you are getting much better new results with the Chines new year.

Is it the first Sun-Moon conjunction in Aquarius ?

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Its the last sun  moon conjunction before the sun goes into tropical pisces

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Sounds like a seasons-based new year rather than a cardinal-based new year (which define our seasons in the West), as tropical Pisces is Madhu, the first Saura month of Vasant.

I am very surprised this is working so well simply because it lacks the clean and even geometry of the cardinal points. Spring happens at different times in different places, but the equinox and solstice happen the same time no matter where you are.

I like the idea of the Sun, which rules the bones, and its months, to be the spine of the year and seasons, which the moon then completes and reflects. Like either the beginning of Uttarayana, or maybe the vernal equinox, as the foundation of the beginning of the year, but it really starts, or is celebrated, when the Moon comes to join the Sun for the first time after the Winter Solstice or vernal equinox.

The Sun is the consistent and basic foundation, and the Moon is the living, pulsating flesh and tissue.

But whatever works works!

Just like the mystery of Yamakoti (Why?). And the planet Venus ruling students, the biological father, and the goddess Lakshmi. 3 completely different things that have no apparent themes in common!



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@mitryendra80 Yes, that is how I see it, its the new moon before Madhu, which is also the new moon before the first Aditya Dhatri. I think that when the Aditya's were being used in India instead of rasis as we now know them that its likely this Aditya/Madhu new year was used.

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@ernst I am really interested/excited to see the results or any classes you give on the Aditya/Madhuon. I saw your interview with Dustin Cormier, which was insightful. Since astrology is the study of time, space and karma as indicated by the motion of the planets, looking at different zodiacs which divide time up into different segments for the best results is of utmost importance--that is the thought that comes to mind. Thank you for always thinking outside the box and/or bringing the ancient knowledge back to light and back into the consciousness of beings.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@goldenplanet I have not taught anything on that. I hope to spend most of 2023 teaching on that subject along with some other neglected symbols from India.

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Dear @ernst 

This will be great, looking forward to it.

Best wishes

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Oh, I think I get it now.

It would always be the new moon that happens closest to the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and Spring equinox (but not necessarily after), wouldn't it?

That would be significant.

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Hello All,

Ernst , could you please explain, and/or direct us to a Video about  how you use this Chinese New year Chart for Mundane events?  I can only guess... ???? 



Meg C

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Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@meg I do not have any classes on mundane events.

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Posts: 236

Dear @ernst 

Can you suggest a reliable resource on what the houses represent in a mundane chart?

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