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Eage and the Lark vs Nasa on Saros Beginning of 4th Dec. 2021 eclipse

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Eclipse of Dec. 4th 2021


Eagle and the Lark suggested Saros beginning:

14 July 1787

Kala Calculations :

23:03 UT

Sun/Moon Conjunction 22:16':47" Cancer

Ketu : 5:11':56" Cancer

Su/Mo Distance to Ke : 17:4':51"

Moon latitude : -1:33':05"

Moons Closest apogee :Jul 13 15:57 359925 km



NASA Suggested Saros Beginning:

26 July 1085

Kala Calculations :

5:28:25 UT

Sun/Moon Conjunction 2:44':13" Leo

Ketu : 16:28':38" Cancer

Su/Mo Distance to Ke : 16:12':51"

Moon latitude : -1:28':46"

Moons closest apogee : Jun 26 18:02 357418Km


Both moons where about the same distance from earth.

There was no eclipse on the date given by "Eagle and the Lark" according to NASA and records.


P.S. : moons distance was calculated using : https://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html
