Hello @ernst,
I was playing around with the wonderful eclipse feature in the transits section of kala. Three future solar eclipses have caught my attention. All three have the outer planets tajika aspecting within orb of the solar eclipses.
With the above eclipses having a strong tajika aspect of the three outer planets to the eclipse itself, would this be very unusual, rare? I don't study mundane astrology much, so I wouldn't have a mundane interpretation of this, but having the outer planets connecting like this to an eclipse seems more on the rare side....
yes, its very important, and also, when all three outer planets are aspecting the eclipse it usually means they are all aspecting themslves, thats when the world gets very interesting. we are really heading towards dramatic change.
no, t hey did it around WWI and WWII. in 1993 many people were predicting WWIII due to uranus neptune conjunction. I simply said, no, pluto is not there, no worries for WWIII. well, now there is worries... but i have not looked into things closely so thats not an official prediction for war. BUt it means a HUGE change in the world, the charts will show what forces that change. could be war, could be aliens, haha. lets see.
This is truly fascinating. My recommendation is that you all by your popcorns before the show begins. I will definitely be there, looking on, eating popcorn.
I might have told this story before, but I take the risk. An old man in a village where I grew up is said to have said:
"If there will ever be a third world war... And if it will take place close to here. And if it´s on a Sunday and the weather is good, I might grab my bike and go having a look at it!"
Rahu enters Capricorn after that last solar eclipse in 2028. I am looking forward to seeing what changes will be brought about after the big conjunction in 2020 with Ketu. I wonder how much the events in that year affected young minds and what their mindset will be after 8-9 years after the event.