Ernst I don’t want to get ahead of myself with the Aditya’s after viewing you YouTube video on this I calculated my Aditya chart and was thinking could the 7 chariots represent a embodiment of a planet in each solar deity? Like the 7 planetary rays and do I use the Aditya the node is in or the nodes lord Aditya?and are there aspects between Aditya’s in the chart?
There are 12 adityas and they each ride in a chariot. THen there are 6 other beings that travel with the adityas, but these beings are not in chariots. The Sun itself has 7 horses on his chariot which represent the 7 planets. Yes, use the aditya the nodes are in. Yes, calculate the aspects just as normal, from 0-60 points.
yes, we will have an aditya calculator up on astrology-videos soon