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Maui Wildfires and Mars/Saturn aspect. Do Biped Rashis get human lives involved more?

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I was thinking about the Maui wildfires and also hearing about of a lot of other explosive and damaging events to people in the world right now. While not going too deep and looking at the lunar new year or ingress charts in this context, my first thought was of course on the Mars and Saturn aspect.

But also the Sun and Venus retro going on in Leo makes sense because its a fire sign. These two planets are enemies and so this is something that can create a lot of friction too.

We know that the Mars Saturn opposition is one of the toughest aspects in astrology, and this time it has been happening in a dual sign of virgo, so Mars and Saturn are also rashi aspecting so there does seem to be a general window of danger from fire being "on" at this time in the mundane astrology for the whole time they are rashi aspecting.

The maui wildfires have been really damaging, and we have seen an explosive fire quality of Mars for sure, but I was wondering why we have seen so many events like this lately that are happening to people or in very domestic or people oriented places.

I think that may have to do with it being in the biped sign of Virgo. What do you folks think? Is it because Mars is in Virgo with Mercury that we are seeing this event connecting to a lot more harm of humans? And of course Virgo is a sign of problems, and Mercury/Mars is not a good combination.

And then also with the Sun and Venus thing, Venus is a biped planet so we can see humans involved as well with these tragedies from that angle too? 

Im trying to find a way to use this biped, quadruped, etc. quality in the mundane astrology, or to see how to differentiate when an event is really going to harm a lot of human lives versus more an event that harms life in nature but we dont get affected as much. Perhaps that would also be seen in the mundane astrology but not involve the biped planets and signs as much?

One way we can see the Venus/Sun conjunction going on right now is how a lot of celebrities have been getting blasted for being seen just sunbathing on the beach while the fires are going on elsewhere, or with our President simply saying "no comment" when asked about the wildfires. Those things remind me of the issues that get brought out with Sun/Venus starvation avastha. Its like "should I lounge on the beach in the sun or should I get up and be a hero and save some lives".



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Virgo is the sign of fires. Sun gives fire espeically when connected with rahu. saturn cools things and prevents fire, so a bad saturn can't do that and makes fire hazards more likely. Venus puts fires out, a bad venus can't succded in that and then fires, once started, get out of control. 

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@ernst Wow thats interesting, I have never thought of Virgo directly as a sign of fires but I could see the connection because they fall into a category like pests, enemies, diseases, etc. and because of the jaimini sutra where he mentions "small fire"...

This makes me think of it all more from a five element perspective, and it all makes more sense now. Sun with Rahu would make fire element excessive, that fits what you covered in the five element course. Sun starving Venus as mentioned above is lining up with that and it is now rashi aspecting with rahu.

Ok so the fire element is excessive and the water element (venus, though retro) was not strong enough to "control" it. Add that the wind element (saturn) was too agitated by Mars to insult fire and cool it down. Or a better way to put it is that the fire element (mars) was excessive and overcontrolled its Grandchild....

Ok that checks out perfectly, thanks Ernst!


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@ernst What is your perspective on the idea that biped rasis will involve humans more?

Also just wondering I know Virgo is an Earth sign so is the association with fire stemming from the emphasis on purity? I know fire is a strong purifying element.

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After you said Virgo - Mars with Mercury, Yes, because the fire started with a Telephone Pole failing to stand on the ground due to strong high winds. And the wind makes the fire worse that it eradicated almost all Lahaina, weirdest thing is the Governor/Mayor did not put out the Sirens quickly for them to be alerted. And it took them so long to respond ( Saturn ), only on Sat-Sun they were able to bring supplies, in which it should be acted that day to that day.

@ernst Why is Virgo a sign of fires? I really thought it was more on a earth sign.

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@strychnine part of Jaimini's description of Virgo is "small fire"

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@quasar259 Thank you! I learned something today! That is probably one of the things why Virgo is 6th house ruler, my Mars in 2nd Sagi, so it aspects my 6th. That small fire now is BIG FIRE. Lol
