Last seen: Sep 30, 2024
@ernst Wow thats interesting, I have never thought of Virgo directly as a sign of fires but I could see the connection because they fall into a catego...
Ernst can answer more in depth but I found it helpful to learn this: a more common way ayana is translated is as "a time pass" as they say in india. S...
@jakobhand I think somewhere in an upanishad it states that definition, where "gu"means darkness, and "ru" means light, so from darkness to light. But...
@sirius9th Just bc society is embracing them more does not mean they are the answer. Society is also saying dudes can get pregnant now so...just I thi...
Yes I think a few of those are just a bit off because back when he taught that he was not using the equatorial coordinates. And vishakha is a more ...
@ernst I love what he says in the commentary about how Jupiter was said to be first observed in conjunction with the star pushya/tishya. And w...
The more I think about it the more Homeopathy really fits with yoga and vedic philosophy. I read an interesting quote from the Vasistha Yoga yesterd...
The more I think about it the more Homeopathy really fits with yoga and vedic philosophy. I read an interesting quote from the Vasistha Yoga yesterd...
Thanks Ernst! This is a gem!