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What`s the deciding factor in VD?

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Hi Ernst

It has been very difficult for me to know, for instance, why the event happened in antardasha of planet X instead of the planet Y.

That's because there are so many criteria for choosing more than one antardasha lord, and the criteria I would rely on get wrong results.

For instance, my two children were born in moon/venus and moon/sun, but there are other planets which would qualify better for the role of having children in their antardasha. ♀ disposes Saptamsa lagna lord, rules the 10th sign in saptamsa, the 9th sign from Putrakaraka mars, is in great friends sign but is old. In the same chart, ♂ is as old as ♀, is Putrakaraka, rules the 9th rasi, 9th and 10th cusps and also the 5th from its position, however in moon/mars simply nothing with respect to children happened.

What would be the deciding factor?


2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Children can be as frustrating and difficult to predict as they can be to raise, haha. One thing to consider is that there are childless signs, signs that can subtract from a planet giving children, these are taurus, leo, virgo and scorpio. I consider vimshottari a loose technique, its simply not as replicable as varshaphala or the cards predictions in respect to timing events. I think a lot of the reason is that there is still much to perfect in respect to calculations that impact vimshottari and also due to the fact that BPHS also gives an additional 11 nakshatra dasas that are possibly impacting a person. With this said, I have made more predictions, easily 10 times as many, in my career with vimshottari dasa than with all other techniques combined, but i ahve to admit it was throuch my intuition picking the right dasa almost magically. Statistically, vimshottari dasa in many ways that have tried it with many different techniques, has not tested out as good as other timing methods. I am working on streamlining vimshottari into a statistically better tecqniques, its been the bigger part of what i have been working on over the last 2 years... 

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Eminent Member
Posts: 15

@ernst Now that you mentioned that, I must confess I've been suspecting the same remark throughout all those years I've been watching your videos. I think the most replicable technique is in the course Snap Shooting VD, of making a transit for the beginning of the dasha.

I think VD has been good for predicting the quality of time, not the events.
