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In terms of seeing a general theme in one's life by one dasa, it seems Vimshottari really stands out. It is a dasa for all things but in general I get the sense that Vimshottari tends to portray the general 'theme' of one's life at that time. Of course, so many other configurations, dasas, transits ect. are all happening, but I have been impressed by Vimshottari to stand out in this regard in general. Caranavamsa dasa would be 2nd in my book. The planetary age is also big. 

I am curious what other people think of this or what dasa gives the overarching theme to one's life at a given time? Thoughts?


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May I ask what ayanamsha you find working best for vimshottari?



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Right now, I use Ernsts default ayanamsa. 

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To me Vimshottari Mahadasha is huge. I noticed a complete shift in my entire life in going from one Dasha to the next. Also areas of life that will be pronounced seemed to be easily predicated using the lordship of the mahadasha graha, whether its the grahas in its bahavas, nakshatras under its rules, grahas placed in nakshatras under its rule (and things those grahas rule), or bhava cusps nakshatras under its rule. Its really simple, but so effective for my own chart and my own life. 

That said I was never able to grasp rashi dasha or nakshatra dashas. 

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@codydeboer Do you use the default Ernst ayanamsha as well? (I call it the "Ernst Ayanamsha" because "Dhruva Galactic Center Middle of Mula Ayanamsha with Equatorial Coordinates and Saura Year for Vimshottari Calculation" takes too long to write and say, even though I just wrote it.)

I don't particularly "like", in theory, the Lahiri and True Chitra Paksha ayanamshas, as there is no logical reason why they should work. (especially when compared with Ernst's galactic center and galactic plane ayanamashas) Yet they show the timing of my life's theme's clearly and perfectly and that of my family's as well. I got the whole "Rahu trip" during the Rahu period, the "Jupiter trip" during the Jupiter period, and so on. It is unmistakable.

I like Ernst's ayanamshas better as they make more sense, but they seem to show my life's themes in more subtle ways which only seem to reflect themes of the planet's nakshatra placement, and only to a certain degree. It isn't as loud and clear with the planets' themes as Lahiri is.

I guess I just need to test more charts and experiment with different year settings and other variables.

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Have you tried the Ardra Galactic Plane? Ernst said he used that when he was still using sidereal rasis.  One of my astro teachers uses a modified version of the Yukteswar ayanamsa which he swears by. To each there own!! 

Because of all the astronomical discrepancies with Vimshottari, I choose to not use it for concrete predictions. But rather, for general themes and general trends. 

Some ayanamsas and the different settings will shift the dasas by like 10 years in some cases! 

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@scott-m-19 I do not have Kala but I know that Ardra Galactic Plane would probably throw the dashas off by a few months from Lahiri, which would put them out of sync with my life. But maybe not so much if I could actually experiment with it while changing additional variables, such as nakshatra year length, dhruva vs ecliptic vs equatorial options, etc.

And the plane of the galaxy may not have yet been accurately pinpointed to astronomical precision.

So you find charanavamsha rashi dasha works best for concrete life predictions?

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I am a beginner with concrete predictions. Just feel more comfortable with Rasi dasas because they are more simple and no astronomy hassle (or not as much). I am sure Vimshottari can work excellently for predictions in the right situations. People gravitate with what works for them. 

I have yet to get into Varshaphala and transits but that would be excellent as well. Confluence i think is key here. 

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@scott-m-19 so far I have found Ardra Galactic Plane the most accurate for predictions for myself and others.

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Do you use the dhruva coordinates in the options with this? 

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@scott-m-19 Dhruva Equatorial Longitude

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@quasar259 With Tropical Rasis?

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@scott-m-19 that will not be an issue as far as timing the dasa, but in interpreting the results, yes I use Tropical Rasis for planetary placements.

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@mitryendra80 yes, this is with Ernst's Ayanamsha. I tried some predictive techniques using the ayanamsha used for Vic Dicara's charts for my vimshotarri, but the events did not line up as accurately as with Ernst's. On the other hand, whatever Vic Dicara uses to get the nakshatra calculations I found more accurate than Ernst's default. Dicara I use for Nakshatras, Ernst everything else.

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I think Dicara just uses Lahiri Ayanamsa for calculating nakshatras? 

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@scott-m-19 Im actually not entirely sure, I just have a chart I got from him, but not sure if it says the ayanamsha.

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For those who have played around with the different Ayanamsas, is there a time difference in days/weeks/months between the beginning or duration of the Dasas?

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