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Dietary advice for severe depression during Saturn- Venus dasa

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Awesome will check on that and yes she feels total lack of security despite having couple properties on her name and parents were very wealthy, so this is all new for her - thanks for your insights!it's fun to share case examples and learn

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Hi Veronica, when you said, "In her medical history she has low bone density (Sun) + hormonal problems (Venus) that won't allow her to get pregnant". I instantly thought about some of the research articles I have read on Boron which helps with both bone mineral density and hormonal balance. 

"Boron plays an important role in osteogenesis, and its deficiency has been shown to adversely impact bone development and regeneration.2 Boron influences the production and activity of steroid hormones, actions via which this trace mineral is involved in the prevention of calcium loss and bone demineralization. Boron supplementation has repeatedly been shown to markedly reduce urinary excretion of both calcium and magnesium and to increase serum levels of estradiol and calcium absorption in peri- and postmenopausal women.1,3 Boron also beneficially impacts vitamin-D utilization. Supplementation with boron stimulates bone growth in vitamin-D deficient animals and alleviates dysfunctions in mineral metabolism characteristic of vitamin-D deficiency.4

The steroid hormones directly related to the bone and boron may play a significant role in bone health through the formation of steroid hormones. Thus, be involved in preventing calcium loss and bone demineralization. The chemistry of this mineral can promote the formation of testosterone and estradiol 17 β from precursors involving the addition of hydroxyl groups to steroidal rings [2].

In vitro studies with cultures of osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1), also demonstrated that boron is beneficial for maintaining and bone formation by stimulating bone mineralization and still increasing levels mRNA related to bone growth as type I collagen and osteocalcin [20].

The evidence highlights the essential of boron in the normal development of the skeleton, maintenance of bone health throughout life and beneficially influences minerals such as calcium magnesium, and vitamin D. Also, this mineral also plays a significant role in shaping steroid hormones that related to bone health, especially in women after menopause."


  • Raisins have the highest amount of Boron in natural food, at 4.51mg of Boron per 100g of Raisins

There is also supplemental Boron, but there was a study showing that 2.5mg of supplemental boron in the form of sodium borate over 60 days increased the severity of hot flashes in 50% of perimenopausal women. "Boron supplementation resulted in more frequent and severe hot flashes and night sweats in 21 women. However, 10 women reported a reduction in discomforts. The remaining 15 women did not respond negatively or positively to the boron supplementation." so its a bout a 50% chance that supplemental boron could exacerbate hot flashes, yet oddly enough relieve other menopausal symptoms. A little contradictory. There is no research that states 100g of raisins to increase the severity of hot flashes, so perhaps raisins are a safer bet unless flashes become an issue. 

It is recommended to have 6mg of Boron a day, so around 100 grams of (sugar free) raisins a day would suffice. I recommend timing that around workouts, physical activity, or using it to replace other sweet junk foods. Interestingly enough raisins have an acute postprandial insulin-sparing effect, so in theory you wouldn't have to worry too much about developing insulin resistance over a long period of time of daily eating. 


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@codydeboerWow, very interesting! She gets some shots for her bone density, will ask what exactly she gets. Thank you so much, this is very useful information!

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