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Dietary advice for severe depression during Saturn- Venus dasa

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Hello everyone,

I'm sharing this dietary advice. This is for a depressed person w suicidal thoughts so I start by focusing on Moon to balance emotions. Then focusing on her Dasa lords and debilitated Sun to improve self esteem  -

in D30 Venus is in the 8th afflicted by Mars & Jupiter, Saturn in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio and Sun in Taurus. In her medical history she has low bone density (Sun) + hormonal problems (Venus) that won't allow her to get pregnant.

Not recommending a total fasting because with the afflicted Saturn it's almost guaranteed to fail and I want to recommend something doable by this person, she has an addictive personality which I believe makes will to be weak. Also, I suggest to keep this kind of diet at least until her Saturn- Sun anterdasa in hopes for it to become a better period -  despite Sun being debilitated, it's in the 3rd house which I believe has better outlook than Venus being in a Dushtana, plus at an emotional level I believe that Venus is is promoting the suicidal thoughts by being in the 8th house

I enjoyed doing this and hopefully this can help her, attaching images in case you want to take a look or suggest how to make it better.








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Here is the D30 for those who are curious about it =)

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(@Anonymous 18348)
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@veronica Would it be possible for you to send me this woman's birth data so I can take a closer look at different calculations before I share my findings?  Is her goal to become pregnant?  Is this why she is having suicidal thoughts?  If not, why is she having suicidal thoughts?  

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@leahhansensure, here it is:

Fantastic, she is not trying to get pregnant, she divorced 3 years ago, both o her parents died 2 years ago, this year she lost her pet. She has been AA for many years and although she has very positive traits, very smart, she studied architecture and was loved by both of her wealthy parents she has a hard time to value what she has, she thinks that she has no reasons to live and that it would be different if she was able to have a child but she can't and that's just another excuse to not be happy. Recently ended a relationship w a married man from her AA group (thankfully) took us many conversations, even when she is grown up, she is just starting to learn how to take care of herself because she was overprotected all her life. Also trying to convince her to reduce the antidepressant medication she started taking

She is my son's aunt and I selected her as his godmother to help with the childless issue but she lives away in a different country

March 10th, 1974 10:00

Mexico City


(@Anonymous 18348)
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My life changed a lot not long after you posted this.  How is your ex sister-in-law doing these days?

Looking at her D-30 I recommend that she do some lab work.  I would recommend the GI Map to see what is going on with her digestive system, because she has VE, MA and JU all in Libra in the D-30.

She might have H. Pylori in her stomach (JU) which would need to be eradicated.  Her ileocecal valve might be open and have leaky gut (VE).  I would also suggest finding a biological dentist (MA) have have her teeth cleaned.  

I get the feeling that her body is malnourished and her body could not sustain her energy while going through so many endings.


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Hi Veronica, thanks for sharing. When I look at her D30, this is what I see: Venus is not that afflicted, as it's in Libra, so, very strong; Mars is neutral to Venus, so it's not harming it, but being malefic we can consider it a slight blemish. Jupiter is delighting Venus. So overall it's a strong Venus. 

But now look at the Moon and Cancer, the Moon is rasi aspected by RA/KE from Aries. Cancer is in really bad shape, with starved Mercury, starved Saturn, and on top of it, Saturn starving Mercury. Since the Moon and Cancer are this afflicted this person is indeed in a lot of emotional pain. 

Improving the diet is a great way to help the Moon, anything else to help the Moon would also be recommended. I like to recommend simple Moon baths, so to be exposed to moonlight as much as possible, she needs the Moon energy enhanced in her life. Now that summer is coming, it's not a bad idea (if possible) to lay outside, or inside next to a big window, when the moon is brightest to absorb all its rays, the rays must touch the skin, so expose as much skin as possible. The diet is key, but every little thing helps. 

Do you mind sharing the D1? Thanks! 

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Ofcourse,  here it is the D1, btw, thank you - I should correct my wording Venus exalted in Libra - with Mars and 8th house it's how I assumed it was being afflicted so yes lets say blemished. Jupiter by being in Libra  delights Venus but himself is afflicted therefore that should explain the hormonal inbalances that affect her ovaries and she is not able to procreate.

Now she is in Saturn -Venus period of her life and that's why the focusing on it. Her initial complaints  were related to hard love situation  (she is my ex-sister in law btw but I still love her very much)  and both her parents and pet passed away recently. In her mind (and Im not saying that I am right, just assuming) Venus being in 8th house keeps her flirting with death related things therefore she has all this suicidal thoughts, additional to the afflicted Moon and emotions clouded by alcohol and pills addiction. She already goes to AA. 

I like the idea of the moon baths and also was thinking on options like wearing Pearls and more herbal detox for liver when she is ready to do it . here is D1







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Thanks, oh yeah Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in the 8th, I had missed that, but a planet in own house helps the house, so I would not worry too much about it.

The D1 shows that her KE/RA axis is a difficult one, if she's in her early 40's then she's going through the Ra/Ke maturation. Ra in the 8th is all about lack of emotional security, this combined with her Mars very afflicted in Gemini might explain she's not (or was not) able to control her actions and took pills and alcohol. What I see is she has security issues, and losing your family and pet (could be because of Ketu in 2nd) makes you feel even more vulnerable (8th house). She's very vulnerable right now and doesn't know how to handle it. Her Venus is again not bad except for very poor digbala, but it's wonderful in Aquarius and with Mercury. Moon in the 6th is not terrible either. 

Mars rules gems and since she has an afflicted Mars she's gonna have to be persistent with the gems to see results. She needs a gem for the dash she's running, so a gem for specifically Saturn in Gemini; the dasha gem helps the person out so much. Also, get the antradasha gem if you can, the Venus in Aquarius gem. 

I don't work with pearls, but if you want a gem for the Moon you need to get a Moon in Libra gem. 

Hope she gets better.

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