Estimable Member
Joined: Jan 25, 2019
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 24 / Replies: 72
RE: Auspicious days to get a haircut

Yes, that's what I mean. The least Doshas the better, the more neutralizations the better.

6 days ago
RE: Auspicious days to get a haircut

@shugara2002 Hi Andra, exactly, Muhurta is a two part system: the time components and the chart itself. The points have to do with the time factors an...

1 month ago
RE: Healing that can access the unconscious child Mind

@qwertym2 The reason is that I only put 7 flowers in a remedy, and one of the is almost always Star of Bethlehem, so that leaves me with only 6 spots,...

1 month ago
RE: Healing that can access the unconscious child Mind

@qwertym2 Hi, yes I do both cusps and signs. I actually think the cusp shows up more prominently, it's what the person complains about the most, so th...

1 month ago
RE: Healing that can access the unconscious child Mind

@healthy_living hi, I've always bought this brand: at my closest health food store, I've never ordered them online. If you buy online make sure they ...

1 month ago
RE: Auspicious days to get a haircut

@dreamwalker14 in the General Guidelines select the option Grooming - Hair cutting (74) and that will help you, but also don't lose sight of the actua...

1 month ago
RE: Endometriosis - emotional causes?

@pammcnally “Sylvia gave advice well beyond what is reasonable to do as an astrologer and so I called her out for the benefit of others who might th...

3 months ago
RE: Endometriosis - emotional causes?

@pammcnally Hopefully Pam realises dragging my name up with such snark doesn’t make for as witty an ending as she thinks - it’s just Silvia for you.

3 months ago
RE: Indications in charts for people who are not going to benefit from astrology

@marianela Both house cusp and sign are compromised when Ketu is there, and both need to be healed. Which is gonna be more of a problem for the pers...

5 months ago
RE: Indications in charts for people who are not going to benefit from astrology

@marianela Ketu in Gemini can easily lead to overload of information, where the person can't stop researching or investigating, some information is ve...

5 months ago
RE: Indications in charts for people who are not going to benefit from astrology

@marianela 5th house rules astrology in the sense of being a "Vidyam" a field of knowledge. 5th house also rules Yantras and Mantras. "Yam" means to s...

5 months ago
RE: How do we tell career of people with kemadruma

@jesuschrist I don't, I'm asking cause it's the first time I hear Ernst suggesting that something could possibly be done to improve this yoga, the way...

8 months ago
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