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Joined: Jan 25, 2019
Last seen: Jul 27, 2024
Topics: 21 / Replies: 64
RE: How do we tell career of people with kemadruma

@jesuschrist I don't, I'm asking cause it's the first time I hear Ernst suggesting that something could possibly be done to improve this yoga, the way...

2 weeks ago
RE: How do we tell career of people with kemadruma

@ernst thanks, but can you maybe say it with an example, I'm not grasping this yet.

3 weeks ago
RE: How do we tell career of people with kemadruma

@ernst what if the malefics are Ra & Ke, how should we counsel them?

4 weeks ago
RE: finding the separation trauma in the chart

@ernst moon starving "something"? so just to clarify, Moon starving anything... Mercury, Venus or Saturn, or even those planets in Cancer, gives th...

1 month ago
Replies: 1
Views: 48
RE: "Bad" Vargottama?

@ernst would you still choose a vargottama lagna in a Muhurta, even if it means putting malefics in bad dignity in the D9’s navamsa, Moon in the 8th,...

2 months ago
RE: The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

@kannessa-chan Yes, there is something called Jaimini Kemadruma Yoga, that can also be as tough, or tougher, than Bandana Yoga. You can look this one ...

3 months ago
RE: Excited about the new Course! - PAC Astrology

@kristofferbyggok-se yeah me too, he’ll upload them soon.

4 months ago
RE: 1: Registering a new business 2: actually opening the online store (selling products)

@quasar259 yeah, I see the D1 as the tip of the iceberg, it's incredibly important, cause if it's not good, it's over before it can even start, if you...

4 months ago
RE: 1: Registering a new business 2: actually opening the online store (selling products)

@scott-m-19 absolutely. If you can use the D60, do it. But also try not to go mad in the process 🙃

4 months ago
RE: 1: Registering a new business 2: actually opening the online store (selling products)

@quasar259 oh that’s a big question 😄 when someone asks me that I always remember a T-shirt one of my uni professors used to wear that said : ...

4 months ago
RE: 1: Registering a new business 2: actually opening the online store (selling products)

@satyamaya Hi, I've done many Muhurtas for entrepreneurs and the reality is that all little steps have an effect on the overall business. However bu...

4 months ago
RE: How to start for optimal results - systematic approach

Like Manisha said, it's very much a never-ending study...and a very personal journey. What are your goals for astrology? I would start thinking abou...

4 months ago
RE: Endometriosis - emotional causes?

@pammcnally I’m not sure which part of what I wrote pissed you off so much that it hindered your ability to comprehend. I wrote you didn’t develop sar...

5 months ago
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